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This is where I collect the boring stories about my life, by superficial observations of the Human Condition, and other stuff like that, stuff that only makes sense after midnight and you're feeling meloncholy.



I was unemployed from July 6, 2007 to May 4, 2009. The following text is from my main web page back then.

Pleading for a job on my home page


July 6, 2007 was my last day of employment at Merit Network Inc.. I left on very good terms, including a bonus for helping to shutdown the Shared Dial-in Service. After taking some time off to take care of my kids, clear my head from working for the same organization for 22 years, and as a vacation (my first real vacation in years), I am now looking for employment within 45 minutes travel of the Ann Arbor, Michigan area.


I could have timed this better — after starting my job hunt, I blundered for a few months with a poor resume. I then discovered that nobody hires between Thanksgiving and New Years. Eventually, I managed to post my resume somewhere where someone took enough interest in me to help me polish my resume, and then someone else helped, and so on.

Is there anyone looking for a skilled Unix (Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, AIX) TCP/IP network programmer (C and Perl) involved in authentication, accounting and authorization (AAA) with good "people skills"?

Merit Network, Inc. underwent multiple rounds of layoffs and RIFs starting around 2003. Out of concern for my own prospects, I started collecting information about jobs in Information Technology in December 2004. I lost energy for pursuing this when my wife of 14 years told me she wanted a divorce in March of 2005. On May 2006, there was another round of layoffs at Merit, and I began making the information I collected available here.. Finally, I got laid off myself.

Formerly about myself

My last official title was Client/Server Programmer — Senior, (previously Systems Research Programmer III.) I've been a software engineer with a networking and authentication & authorization focus for years.

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