Ever since seeing the assassination of the British Special agents by IRA with a Bergman MP-18 in "Michael Collins" I have been interested in this weapon.  Then I read of them being used by Sturmtruppen.   I gathered a few figures with these for use in my Freikorps game in Berlin, 1919.  


First  links to pictures of the actual gun.

This one is of Stromtrooper in Middle East

Good pics of the weapon

German small arms


Here is a picture of all the current 25-28mm Bergmman figures I know of.


Most of these are WWI Germans, all sold pretty much as 28mm, except the Foundry 25mm

Foundry with conversion to IRA, Old Glory, Chinese Pulp Figures, Brigade Games,  HLBSC, Copplestone, Renagade.


The first two are a little smallish.  The rest are a good size for the figure but there is much variation in the weapon.  The Renagade gun is a monster.  The HLBSC is a strange design. 


Here is a close up of Pulp Figures, Copplestone, and Renagade.



Here are Old Glory, Copplestone and Renagade.

 Foundry, Copplestone, Renegade


Brigade Games, Copplestone, Renegade


There was a question on the Miniatures Page about sizes of Armored cars.  Here is a pic of a HLBSC car with a Foundry and Renegade figure next to it.

Here is the body of an unbuilt Old Glory armored car with various figs next to the HLBSC version.  The latter seems a great fit for real 25mm but too small in my mind for the biggie figs.