Non-integrable distributions, sub-Riemannian geometry, non-holonomics mechanics, Carnot Groups, Metric Lines, Integrable and chaotic sub-Riemannian goedesic flow.

I am currently a postdoctoral assistant professor at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and with mentor Dr. Anthony Bloch.
Reserach with undegradute students.
I am currently the president of the LoG(M) project. I mentor research projects with undergraduate students in the Lab of Geometry at Michigan LoG(M) and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) projects. See the projects

The n-trailer vehicle. Watch some simulations.
The n-trailer vehicle has been an interesting topic in three different areas of the mathematics; non-holonomics mechanics, Goursat distribution theory from the point of view of the differential topology, and the moster tower from the point of view of algebraic geometry
Luis Garcia-Narajo and I studied the dynamics of an articulated n-trailer vehicle that moves under its own inertia. Learn more

CV, talks, training and teaching.
I was graduate student instructor at Facultad de Ciencias at UNAM and I attend to “Preparing for Inclusive Teaching” at UCSC’s C.I.T.L. (Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning) (2017-2021).View details