Annotated Sources:
Arrizon, Alicia. " Soldaderas and the Staging of the Mexican Revolution." The Drama Review 42.1 (1998): 90-112. Jstor. University of Michigan. 6 Nov. 2006 <>
This scholarly article provides usual incite into the lives of Soldaderas by analyzing songs and poems written during the Mexican Revolution. By understanding the oral traditions arising from the Soldaderas movement in the revolution, we get a better understanding of their experiences and perceptions of fighting in the war.
Fuentes, Andres R. "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution." The Americas 51.4 (1995): 525-553. Jstor. University of Michigan. 06 Nov. 2006 <>
This source discusses the roles of Soldaderas in the battlefield during the Mexican Revolution and analyzes the reasons for Soldaderas choosing to fight in the war. Fuentes also examines how the Soldaderas had different roles depending on which troops they were fighting with and during what time period they were fighting.
Salas, Elizabeth. Soldaderas in the Mexican Military: Myth and History. Austin, Texas:
University of Texas Press, 1990
Salas details the various changing roles of the soldaderas during the Mexican Revolution. She talks about the roles of Mexican women in armed conflicts and discusses Soldaderas as a symbol in Mexican and Chicano culture. This book provides first hand accounts of the experiences of Soldaderas.
Other Sources:
Consul General in Austin Texas. "The Mexican Revolution," November 1996 - Austin, Texas - Year IV, Number 25, (accessed November 12, 2006).
Davies, Lynn. "History of the Mexican Revolution: An Overview," (accessed November 12, 2006) .
Encarta. "Mexican Revolution," (accessed November 12, 2006).
Jandura, Tereza. "Revolutionary Mexican Women," (accessed November 19, 2006).
Latin American Studies. "Guadalupe Plan," (accessed November 12, 2006).
Macias, Anna. “Women and the Mexican Revolution. 1910-1920.” The Americas 37:1 (1980) 70.
The Suppressed Histories Archives. "Dolores Jimenez y Muro (1848-1925)," (accessed November 19, 2006).
Wikipedia. "La Adelita". (accessed December 4, 2006).
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