Garden Park is located on the corner of Vernor Street and
Freeway West. Garden Park was started by artist Vito Valdez, a
resident and muralist of
Southwest Detroit, and artist Mary Herbeck. The park boasts a variety
murals, a sculpture, a safe and clean place to play for children and
even an organic garden!!!
Mr. Valdez and Ms. Herbeck have worked very hard
to put this park together and with the help of community residents it
has remained a clean and safe place for children to play. The
community and visitors to the site have remained very appreciative and
respectful of Garden Park throughout it's existence. Mr. Valdez
tells us that since its inception there has never been a time when
people have vandalized the property. In fact he says that people
look out for the park and help keep it clean and safe 7.
Garden Park is a model of what a few individuals can
do to help beautify and restore a community.