Sports in Puerto Rico

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This site was created for American Culture 213: Introduction to Latino Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

El Museo Latino | Bibliography | Credits | Site Map


1) Babbitt, John S. �Roberto Clemente - A sports legend.� Stamps 248 (1994): 1-4

2) The CIA world fact book - Puerto Rico. Central Intelligence Agency. <> (10 December 2004)

3) Major League Baseball. <>

4) Babbitt, John S. �Roberto Clemente - A sports legend.� Stamps 248 (1994): 1-4

5) Menard, Valerie. �LATINO ALL-STARS: Hispanic athletes contribute to the community on a grand scale.� Hispanic Washington , Jul/Aug 1998, pg. 28

6) Castro, Elga. �Sports Sovereignty in Puerto Rico .� NACLA Report on the Americas 37 (2004): 31

7) Barry Svrluga. "US Slammed by Puerto Rico." Washington Post: August 16, 2004, A1.

8) Hoffer, Richard. �Spurred to greatness.� Sports Illustrated , 14 May 2001, p.54

9) Kennedy, Kostya. �Stopping the bleeding.� Sports Illustrated , 8 Jan 1996, p. 17

10) "Party Time" CNN/ <

11) Hoffer, Richard. �Spurred to greatness.� Sports Illustrated , 14 May 2001, p.54

12) Castro, Elga. �Sports Sovereignty in Puerto Rico .� NACLA Report on the Americas 37 (2004): 31

13) Castro, Elga. �Sports Sovereignty in Puerto Rico .� NACLA Report on the Americas 37 (2004): 31

© 2004 University of Michigan