New Pics!
Friends 1 / 2
Campmeeting 2000!
Campmeeting 2002!
Midwest Retreat!

Mike & Jean groovin'

In the still...

Roy & I

Jonathan Henderson

Chilling on Sabbath


Slideshow filler...

Jeff shocked

Jean? Nice....


Brian stoned?

Hannah stoned??


Jean, Joon, Ki Il, Laura, & Rebecca

Jean, Joon, & Jeff

The classroom

Girl's Bathroom?

Stephen...& Ben

Jenny P.

Creative stuff

The Amens baby!

Rebecca...sort of

Cool Luke

Mike & Steve

Luke acting...


The fountain!


The four

Bachelor #3


The last (and best!) drama


Jeff & the girls

Joe and the pie!


Girls & Ki Il

Jean & Joon

Henderson going in...

More #1!

The coordinators & helpers

Sandra, Jeff, & I

Flower Power!!


Christian and Paul

'Da Boys

The coordinators & helpers


Flower Power 2!

'Da boys II


Liz before

Liz after

Jeff & Josh


The kids

The 2000 East Coast Campmeeting was held in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh. One of the best campmeetings of the new millenium...wait, it's the only one so far. No, all kidding aside, it was one of the best in recent memory. The main speaker Jonathan Henderson, associate pastor of the Campus Hill church in Loma Linda, was unbelievably powerful, and in tune with the issues that face youth today. My notes on his sermons will be up soon. The talent show was one of the best ever, as the kindergarten/primary wowed the audience with an awesome skit (actually, skits, if you count the coordinators), and Mike (Suk Won) Chang took second with two stirring vocals. But more than that was the acts of everyone else, as we laughed as hard as we ever will. Dating Game was a huge success...and meeting people was a blessing for all. From everyone I've talked to so far, they are all suffering from PCDS (Post Campmeeting Depression syndrome). The blessings and laughs we received will not be forgotten anytime soon.