
Well, for those of you who know me...this probably won't be too interesting. For those who don't know me...this probably won't be too interesting. Anyways, I just wanted to give you guys a little glimpse of who I am. So here goes. I was born in Detroit, MI, in a little neighborhood on Piedmont St. I lived in a white, two story house, that had a really leaky roof, and peeling paint, and a really creaky porch. I lived for five years, in what I thought was paradise. We got robbed twice, I think there were gunshots once, but I was too little to care. I lived a carefree life, brought up by parents who taught me Korean first, and let me learn English from my counterparts. In other words, I learned English in the 'hood first. We played b-ball without a backboard, tennis without a net, and I didn't even know hockey existed. My parents decided that this was not good for my growing up, so we moved to Novi when I was 5. We settled into a neighborhood called Meadowbrook Glens, on 10 mile.

Thus began a new era in my life. I went to kindergarten at Orchard Hills, and had Mrs. Zielinski as my teacher. I mention this because one of my subs in high school was her daughter in law! Anyways, these were good times, I just played as any kid would. I started piano during second grade, with Mrs. Abramsohn, of who I'll talk about later. Mr. and Mrs. Placido also moved next door, I'll talk about them later too.

After kindergarten, my parents decided to send me to a private school called Metropolitan SDA Junior Academy, in Plymouth. It was and still is on Haggerty, just north of Five Mile. My first teacher was Mrs. Arvidson, and she was a tough love sort of teacher, but I learned a lot of discipline under her. She must've seen something in me, because she made me skip a grade in math. All in all I had a good time in her class. Unfortunately, she moved after my second grade year, so I got a new teacher for third grade, Mrs. Steward. She was probably the best teacher that I've had. She played kickball with us, and always kicked the farthest. She was also one of the nicest teachers you'll ever meet, and kids behaved under her because we all liked her. She had cool games where we won candy. Then she got pregnant after third grade, so I got yet another teacher. You have to understand that Metro is one of the smallest schools around, with 50 kids in the entire school (K-8). So, I got yet another teacher, Mrs. Yount. She was a really tough love sort of teacher, and her husband Ernie was a huge guy, but he was hilarious. Anyways, I had a good time under her, she treated me well. For fifth grade, I was taught by the principal, Mrs. Haynes. She would be my teacher until eighth grade, and she was one of the most influential teachers I've had. She was/is the wife of the pastor at Metro, Frank Haynes, who's awesome also, and she was/is a great person. She had lost her daughter before she came to Detroit, she got hit by a car. However, the strength that she displayed through this tragedy was tremendous, and an inspiration to all.

To give you an idea of how really small this school was, my eighth grade class consisted of two people, Jon and I. Two! It was a pretty short graduation...=)

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