Why Should You Become an Alpha Delt???

- THE HOUSE: We have our very only sand volleyball
court, easy access to basketball courts right next door at South Quad,
High Speed Internet, our own cook, Game
Room with billiards, foosball, and darts. We also have large bedrooms
and largest dance floor on campus. Our Living Room is being refurnished
over the summer of 2002 and has a 52-inch TV, enough seating to host the
best SuperBowl party on campus. Think that’s a lot, we also have a 2 full
bar rooms in our basement. On top of all that, we’re located right in the
middle of campus. We’re two doors down from the Union, and within 5
minutes walking distance of all central campus classes. Have classes on
North Campus? No problem, the bus stops right in front of the Union and if
not you can always hitch a ride with one of the brothers who may be
heading up there too.
- ACADEMICS: Our house has its very own Library that has a collection of books
including yearbooks from way back in the day. A real historic site. Great
for studying late night, especially if it’s cold outside. Need access to
resources? We have High Speed Internet access throughout the house but we’re
also within 3 minutes walking distance of both the Graduate and
Undergraduate Library. There is
whole computer lab in the basement of the Union as well! The best part of it all is
SCHOLARSHIPS!!! Alpha Delta Phi, at our chapter in Michigan alone awards
just under $10,000 to the brothers in the house EVERY SEMESTER, including
about $3,000 strictly for the pledges.
- PROFESSIONALY: Recent Graduates of Alpha Delta Phi
have landed jobs for ESPN, Arthur Anderson, Ford, GM, Proctor &
Gamble, Lockheed-Martin, and are working in many major cities including
New York, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles.
- LEADERSHIP: Being an Alpha Delt, doesn’t just
mean being socially and academically active but also active all around
campus. Being a leader within the house can easily spill into an
opportunity into being a leader onto campus as well as the real world.
There are 11 executive positions in A-D-Phi, and about 15 minor house
positions which you can use to get your feet wet into the doings of the
- SOCIALLY: A-D-Phi is home to many things. Our
biggest is our pride in Michigan Sports. Every year we host an annual pep
rally where we have Head Coach Lloyd Carr speak from our porch, the
cheerleaders perform in our front yard, and the whole Marching Band march
and perform in front of our house. Ask anyone on campus, we have the best
Football Pre-parties HANDS DOWN. Come by a couple hours before the game to
see what we’re about. We are also at the head of a 3rd party
Vendor Initiative on campus where we’ve been renting out clubs, bars,
campgrounds, and other venues for some of the best social events ever to
hit campus. Our house has the biggest dance floor and has a capacity for
almost 1000 people. So if you like
to meet new people, YOU WILL!
- BROTHERHOOD: Last on the list, but without a doubt the
most important. The brothers are what makes the fraternity. Being part of
bond that will last forever is what it is really all about. Having access
to a network of brothers that spans over 150 years makes for an
unbelievable experience throughout college and your life. Starting with
your pledge class you will create friendships that will be forever long.
Throughout your personal and professional career you will have your new
family there with you, and especially throughout your college life.