The Spaces Between Us: Listening / Breath

grading Faith: “Listening to the Other, sparing them some silent time, is respecting his or her breath, too. Only a mother breathes for her child. Once born, we all must, should, breathe for ourselves.” (Luce Irigaray, I Love to You, p.121)

I am conscious that my anxiety often makes me talk too much. I interrupt, I finish people’s sentences though I hate it when they do that to me. How to listen to each other is something I am learning about from you. Also how to have speech as dialog and not as an imperative. When you stayed with me for a week I became very conscious of the careful practice of how to live together, how to speak to each other. You observed a great deal and then you asked questions. I learned to use language more carefully. What I loved was how well we lived in the same apartment and how our different rhythms were allowed to play out. It was funny working in the kitchen with you making food for the party and talking art and theory the whole time. Your Russian salad was an amazing production although I did not really like all the parts of it and I thought you made far too much. But I myself always make too much food.