Female Affiliation/Irigaray/Audre Lorde 2

subrosa lecture Faith: Irigaray develops the notion of female affiliation as the basis for women to begin to learn how to be whole, how to be singular and yet to create a space of productive alliance between themselves. She addresses the central philosophical question: How will I live? (In Tolstoy’s story, “What men live by,” he affirms that it is by love alone that we live). The problems of how to create female affiliation in cyberspace, in the virtual realm and within the integrated global circuit are complex. We need to create new forms of welcoming and hosting, of recognition, of acknowledgment, of respect for each person's voice and experience, while remaining sharply aware of the naturalized aspects of social relations in cyberspace and technology that often militate against such affiliative practices. Irigaray suggests we make no assumptions of knowing the other, or of what they desire or need. Instead, she suggests that we use recognizing and relational forms of address such as:

  • I welcome you
  • I thank you
  • I ask you
  • I hail you,
  • I praise you

In this way perhaps we can begin to establish quite different connections, spaces, and possibilities in the integrated circuit - ones in which we can argue, disagree, respect each other, learn from each other, make it possible for us to live and breathe, be happy, and make work together that is based on non-exploitative productive relations with full recognition of the spaces between us.