Map of Tonga. Shows the different groups in the Friendly Islands.

South Pacific Travel Guides: Tonga-Samoa. General information and frequently asked questions about Tonga from David Stanley's South Pacific Organizer site.

Bibliography of Tonga, by Helen Morton, LaTrobe University. This document is a part of a larger collection of the AnthroGlobe specialist bibliographies, and a subsection of the Pacific Studies WWW Virtual Library. Includes references to published sources, manuscripts, theses, and internet resources.

Our People, Our Treasure, Our Export. 1995 press release from the Tonga Statistics Dept. on populations of Tongans residing outside of Tonga, posted on Tonga on the Net.


Faiva 'o Tonga / Dances of Tonga. Site created by Anthony Master Tu'iono, Senior Computer Programmer at the Ministry of Education, Tonga, and based on the work of anthropologist Adrienne Kaeppler. A great site with pictures and descriptions of eight different dances.

LESSON 21 OCEANIA 2: West Polynesia, Tonga 1. A unit on Tongan music and dance, for the course "Music Cultures of the World" taught by Dr. Dale Olsen at Florida State University.


Tongan Dancing: Siueli oe Pasifika (Jewel of the Pacific Tongan Cultural Group) . Contains brief description of Tongan dancing and a dance troupe based in New Zealand.

Tongan Musical Instruments. Describes musical instruments found in Tongan music. This information is a synopsis from the book Tongan Music by Richard Moyle, published by Auckland University Press (1987).

Tongan History Association. The site includes background information leading to the establishment of the Tongan History Association by a group of scholars at Australian National University, and useful links to Tongan and Pacific sites. Also included are back issues of the association's newsletter. The April 1994 issue (vol. 5 no. 1) contains scholarly reviews of two CDs, Malie! Beautiful! Dance Music of Tonga (Pan 2011 CD, 1992) and Faikava: The Tongan Kava Circle (Pan 2022 CD, 1993) by Thomas Malm of University of Lund, Sweden.

Tongan MP3 Music. Contains MP3 files for the "National Anthem of Tonga" by the Royal Maopi Choir, "Polynesian Brass Dance" by the Royal Brass Band, and "Heavenly Peace" by the Queen Salote College Choir.

Tongan Music & Songs on Compact Disk and Cassette. Available from Look Sharp, a business based in Nuku'alofa. Website displays CD covers of current Tongan music recordings

FobStyle Productions. A record company based in La'ie, Hawai'i, specializing in Tongan music. The site includes a link to "Fobstyle Radio," playing "the finest selection of traditional Tongan music 24 hours a day without interruption".

Mutiana Productions. Tongan musicians Dallin and Tia are based at Polynesian Cultural Center. Includes sound files from their two CD releases 'Ofa Ho Fofonga and A Polynesian Tribute.

Ulise. Popular Tongan recording artist. Click here for soundclips from his CD Love is All We Need (Olinda Road, 1997).

-- Erin Pons

Sound Recordings





Some Bibliographic Sources