Note: These readings are all available on the web. Click on "online" on the course syllabus or on this page.

Aaron, Henry J. and George A. Hacker, "Raise a Glass to a Fair Tax Hike," Knight-Ridder Newspapers, November 7, 2005. Online-HTML


Armentano, Dominick T., "Recession 2007," Commentary, Independent Institute, December 10, 2006. Online-HTML


Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Labor Force Data Derived from the Current Population Survey: Concepts," Chapter 1 in Handbook of Methods, U.S. Department of Labor. Online-HTML


Burman, Leonard E. and William G. Gale, "Fix a Real Tax Mess," Newsday, November 14, 2002. Online-HTML


Francis, David R. "Generous Benefits Raise Long-Term Unemployment," summary of Peter Kuhn and Chris Riddell, "The Long-Term Effects of a Generous Income Support Program: Unemployment Insurance in New Brunswick and Maine, 1940-1991," National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 11932, NBER Digest, October 2006. Online-HTML


Greenspan, Alan. "Monetary Policy in the Face of Uncertainty," Cato Journal, Fall 2001. Online-PDF


Griswold, Daniel T., "Are Trade Deficits Good for the U.S. Economy?," The Globalist, February 15, 2005. Online-HTML


Hassett, Kevin A., "With Bernanke at Bat, Fed Will Target Inflation,", October 31, 2005. Online-PDF


Hymans, Saul H., "The U.S. Economic Outlook for 2007-2008. Executive Summary: December 2006," Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, University of Michigan, December 12, 2006. Online-PDF | backup


Mitchell, Daniel J. "The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates," WebMemo #327, Heritage Foundation, August 13, 2003. Online-HTML


Mustafa, Nadia "What About Gross National Happiness?," Time, January 10, 2005. Online-HTML


Orszag, Peter, "Bush's Tax Cut: The Online Debate," The New Republic, November 7, 2003. Debate with David Hale; only Orszag's part is available. Online-HTML


Postrel, Virginia, "With Milton Friedman's ideas now accepted by theorists and policy makers, it's easy to forget how revolutionary they were," New York Times, November 6, 2003. Online-HTML


Prescott, Edward C., "Five Macroeconomic Myths," Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2006. Online-HTML (Proquest, via UM)


Ridenour, Amy. "Americans Are Better Off Than We Think", National Center for Public Policy Research, National Policy Analysis, No. 238, April 1999. Online-HTML


Romer, Paul M. "It's All In Your Head," Hoover Digest 1999 No. 1, The Hoover Institution, published in Outlook 1998. Online-HTML


Scott, Robert. E., "The Facts About Trade and Job Creation," EPI Issue Brief #139, Economic Policy Institute, March 24, 2000. Online-HTML


Wattenberg, Ben J., "America By the Numbers," Wall Street Journal, January 3, 2001. Online-HTML (Proquest)
