Exam Information

Dates? Locations? What? (to bring) Review Sessions
What's Covered?
Format Old Exams Results

Exam Schedule:

(Click on exam for copy of exam, answers, etc. afterwards.)
Midterm No. 1: Thursday, February 8, 2:40-4:00 PM (in class)
Midterm No. 2: Thursday, March 15, 2:40-4:00 PM (in class)
Final Exam: Thursday, April 19, 4:00-6:00 PM

Where to take the Final exam:

Day and Time
GSI Exam Day and Time Take
exam in
101 Fri 2:30-4 J-B Thu, Apr 19, 4:00-6:00 PM 140 Lorch
102 Fri 11:30-1 Sue 1202 School of Education
103 Fri 1-2:30 Angus 140 Lorch
104 Fri 10-11:30 Sue 1202 School of Education
105 Fri 2:30-4 Angus 140 Lorch
106 Fri 10-11:30 Omar 1202 School of Education
107 Fri 1-2:30 J-B 140 Lorch
108 Fri 11:30-1 Omar 1202 School of Education
109 Fri 11:30-1 Brian 140 Lorch

What's Covered on the Final Exam?

Review Sessions and Extra Office Hours:

Final Exam
Review Sessions:
Monday, Apr 166:00-7:30 PMAH G115Angus
Tuesday, Apr 176:00-7:00 PMAH G115JB
Extra Office Hours:
Tuesday, Apr 174:00-6:00 PM108 LorchSue
Wednesday, Apr 1811:00 AM - 1:00 PM125 LorchBrian
Wednesday, Apr 1812:00-1:00 PM109 LorchAngus
Wednesday, Apr 1812:00-3:00 PM109 LorchOmar
Wednesday, Apr 181:00-3:00 PM351A LorchJB
Wednesday, Apr 182:00-4:00 PM110 LorchAngus
Wednesday, Apr 184:00-5:00 PM3314 WeillAlan
Thursday, Apr 1910:00-11:00 AM3314 WeillAlan

What to Bring, and NOT to Bring to Exam:

Do bring no. 2 pencils.
Do Not bring books or notes.
Do Not bring blue books.
You should bring a calculator, but NOT one of the graphing calculators that allow you to store material inside them. Those will be confiscated.
You should also NOT bring any kind of computer (including palm computer) and you should NOT bring a cell phone. Those too will be confiscated.
Do bring your U of M picture ID card, your M-Card. You will need to enter the number on both parts of your exam, and you will need to show your picture ID when you enter the room.

Format of Exams:

The exams will be part multiple choice and part short answer. You will also be given 2 points for recording your name, ID, and section number on the exam sheet and scantron sheet, as well as recording your form number (your particular version of the exam) on the scantron sheet. Do this as soon as you get the exam, or you will forget and lose points!

Old Exams

The exams from the course in Winter 2004, Winter 2005, and Winter 2006, taught by the same professor and using the previous edition of the same textbook, are available online below. All are also available as a course pack from Grade-A Notes. However, please note that both the proportions of multiple choice versus short answer, and the chapter coverage of individual exams, may be different this year from previous years.

Exam Postmortems: Questions, Answers, and Distribution Statistics

Available after each exam.

Midterm No. 1 - Postmortem

Midterm No. 2 - Postmortem

Final Exam - Postmortem

*Course grades are based on a curve of all components of the grade at the end of the course. The curves shown here for individual exams are only to give you an approximate idea of how you are doing.