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If there is a term that you'd like to see covered in this glossary that is not here, please tell me using the form linked to above. That won't do you any good, of course, since you'd like the answer now, and who knows when I will get around to adding it. But it may help others who come along (enough) later. This form will add your request to a list that I will consult as I expand the glossary. I do not promise that every request will be honored, since I may never be able to learn the meaning of the term myself, or I may think it is too far afield from international economics to belong here. But it will help me, and usually others, for me to know what you think is missing. |
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©Alan V. Deardorff, 2000, 2001, ... , 2016 |
Users are welcome to print, copy, and quote this material in any way they wish, so long as they do it accurately and attribute it to: Deardorffs' Glossary of International Economics. |