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Deardorffs' Glossary of International Economics
Named for People
(Most, but *not all*, are economists.)
Alchian-Allen Theorem
Armington assumption
Backus-Smith Puzzle
Balassa index
Balassa-Samuelson effect
Baldwin envelope
Barro misery index
Bastable's test
Bell* Trade Act
Bergsonian social welfare function
Bertrand competition
Bickerdike-Robinson-Metzler Condition
Brady* Plan
Brecher-Alejandro Proposition
Brooks-Murkowski* Amendment
Burke-Hartke* Bill
Byrd* Amendment
Cairnes-Haberler Model
Cecchini Report
Chinn-Ito index
Coase Theorem
Cobden-Chevalier* Treaty
Cobb-Douglas function
Cournot competition
-'s law
Dawes* Plan
Deardorff-Dixit-Norman index
Delors* Report
Dillon* Round
Dingley* Tariff
Dixit-Stiglitz function
Dodge* Plan
Dornbusch-Fischer-Samuelson Model
Dornbusch overshooting
Dunkel* Draft
Easterlin paradox
Eaton-Kortum Model
Edge* Actl
Edgeworth Box
Edgeworth-Bowley Box
Euclidean* space
Euler's* Theorem
Exon-Florio* Provision
Fama regression
Feenstra ratio
Feldstein-Horioka puzzle
Finger-Kreinin index
Fisher effect
price index
Fordney-McCumber* Tariff
Fréchet* distribution
Friedman rule
Froot-Rogoff effect
Gephardt Ammendment
Giffen good
Gini* coefficient
Gordie Howe* International Bridge
Graham's argument for protection
Grassman's Law
Greenspan put
Gresham's* Law
Grubel-Lloyd index
Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect
Harberger triangle
Harkin* bill
Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson effect
Harrod neutral
Head-Ries index
Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Model
Helms-Burton* Act
Herfindahl index
Hicks-Kaldor improvement
Hicksian composite
Inada conditions
Jackson-Vanik Amendment
Jefferson* Embargo
Johnson-Reed* Act
Jones* Act
Jones' hat algebra
Kaldor improvement
Kaldor-Hicks Criterion
Kemp-Wan Theorem
Kennedy* Round
Kindleberger spiral
Kissell* Amendment
Kondratieff cycle
Kravis-Lipsey-Bhagwati effect
Krugman model
specialization index
Kuznets curve
Lafay index
Laffer Curve
Lagrange multiplier
Laspeyre price index
Laursen-Metzler effect
Lawson* Doctrine
Le Châtelier* Principle
Leamer triangle
Leontief composite
Lerner Diagram
Lerner Symmetry Theorem
Linder hypothesis
Lorenz curve
Lucas critique
Magnitsky* Act
Marshall-Lerner condition
Marshall* Plan
Marshallian adjustment
Maskus curve
McKinley* Tariff
Meade geometry
Méline* tariff
Melitz model
Metzler diagram
Mill-Graham demand
Mill's test
Mills* Bill (1888)
Mills* Bill (1970)
Morrill* Tariff
Mundell-Fleming Model
Mussa diagram
Nansen* passport
Nixon* shock
Okun's Law
Paache price index
Pareto criterion
Payne-Aldrich* Tariff Act
Phillips curve
Poisson* distribution
Porter's Diamond
Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis
Preston* Curve
Randall* Commission
Rauch classification
Ricardo point
-Viner model
'ian model
Rodrik Trilemma
Rose effect
Rybczynski derivative
Sato-Vartia index
Say's Law
Scitovszky indifference curve
Shephard's lemma
Siegel's paradox
Smoot-Hawley* Tariff
Solow Model
Spence-Dixit-Stiglitz function
Stackelberg equilibrium
Starrett's Impossibility Theorem
Stolper-Samuelson derivative
Swan diagram
Thirlwall's Law
Tobin tax
's Q
Townshend Revenue Act
Triffin's dilemma
Truman* Doctrine
Trump* tariffs
Trade War
Underwood Tariff
Ullyses* effect
Vernon product cycle
Walker* principles
Walras' Law
'ian adjustment
'ian auctioneer
Webb-Pomerene* Act
Werner* Committee
Williams* Commission
Wilson-Gorman* Tariff
Zipf's* Law
Brady Plan
: US Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady (1930-)
Bell Trade Act
: Missouri Congressman C. Jasper Bell (1885-1978)
Brooks-Murkowski Amendment
: US Representative Jack Brooks (1922-2012) and US Senator Frank Murkowski (1933- )
Burke-Hartke Bill
: Massachusetts Congressman James A. Burke (1910-1983) and Senator Vance Hartke (1919-2003)
Byrd Amendment
: West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd (1917-2010)
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty
: British negotiator Richard Cobden (1804-1865); French negotiator Michel Chaevalier (1806-1879)
Dawes Plan
: American banker, Vice President, and Nobel laureate Charles G. Dawes (1865-1951)
Delors Report
: President of the European Commission Jacques Delors (1925-)
Dillon Round
: US Undersecretary of State C. Douglas Dillon (1909-2003)
Dingley Tariff
: Maine representative Nelson Dingley, Jr. (1832-1899)
Dodge Plan
: chairman of Detroit Bank and special U.S. ambassador to Japan in 1948 (1890-1964)
Dunkel Draft
: GATT Director-General Arthur Dunkel (1932-2005)
Eden-Rayneval Treaty
: Baron William Eden (1745-1814) and Joseph-Mathias Gérard de Rayneval (1736-1812)
Edge Act
: New Jersey Senator Walter Evans Edge (1873-1956)
Euclidean space
: Ancient Greek mathematician Eukleides (remembered today as Euclid) (Lived around 300 BC)
Euler's Theorem
: Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Exon-Florio Provision
: Nebraska Senator J. James Exon (1921-2005) and New Jersey Representative James J. Florio (1937- )
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
: Michigan Representative Joseph W. Fordney (1853-1932) and North Dakota Senator Porter McCumber (1858-1933)
Fréchet distribution
: French mathematician Maurice René Fréchet (1878-1973)
Gephardt Ammendment
: Missouri Representative Richard Andrew Gephardt (1941-)
Gini coefficient
: Italian statistician, demographer and sociologist Corrado Gini (1884-1965)
Gordie Howe International Bridge
: Professional Hockey Player (1928-2016)
Gresham's Law
: English merchant and financier Sir Thomas Gresham (1518/19-1579)
Harkin bill
: Iowa Senator Tom Harkin (1939- )
Helms-Burton Act
: North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms (1921-2008) and Indiana Representative Dan Burton (1938- )
Jackson-Vanik Amendment
: Washington Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (1912-1983) and Ohio Representative Charles A. Vanik (1913-2007)
Jefferson Embargo
: US President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Johnson-Reed Act
: Washington Representative Albert Johnson (1869-1957) and Pennsylvania Senator David Reed (1880-1953)
Jones Act
: Washington Senator Senator Wesley L. Jones (1863-1932)
Kennedy Round
: US President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
Kissell Amendment
: North Carolina representative Larry Kissell (1951- ))
Lawson: Doctrine
: U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson (1932- )
Le Châtelier Principle
: French chemist Henry Louis Le Châtelier (1850-1936)
Magnitsky Act
: Russian tax lawyer and auditor (1972-2009)
Marshall Plan
: U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall (1880-1959)
McKinley Tariff
: Ohio representative and later U.S. President William McKinley Jr. (1843-1901)
Méline tariff
: French statesman Jules Méline (1838-1925)
Mills Bill (1888)
: Texas representative Roger Mills (1832-1911)
Mills Bill (1970)
: Arkansas representative Wilbur Mills (1909-1992)
Morrill Tariff
: Vermont representative Justin Smith Morrill (1810-1898)
Nansen passport
: Norwegian polar explorer and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930)
Nixon shock
: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994)
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
: New York representative Sereno E. Payne (1843-1914) and Rhode Island senator Nelson W. Aldrich (1841-1915)
Poisson distribution
: French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson (1781-1840)
Preston Curve
: Princeton Sociologist Samuel H. Preston (1943- )
Randall Commission
: Chairman of the Board of Inland Steel Company, Clarence B. Randall (1891-1967)
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
: Utah Senator Reed Smoot (1862-1941) and Oregon Representative Willis C. Hawley (1864-1941)
Townshend Revenue Act
: British chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Townshend (1725-1757)
: US President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972)
Trump tariffs
Trade War
: U.S. President Donald J. Trump (1946- )
Underwood Tariff
: Alabama representative and senator Oscar Wilder Underwood (1862-1929)
Ullyses effect
: Legendary Greek King, Odysseus.
Walker principles
: New Zealand diplomat David Walker.
Webb-Pomerene Act
: North Carolina Senator Edwin Y. Webb (1872-1955) and Ohio Senator Atlee Pomerene (1863-1937).
Werner Committee
: Luxembourg Prime Minister Pierre Werner (1913-2002).
Williams Commission
: IBM President Albert L. Williams (1911-1983).
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
: West Virginia representative William L. Wilson (1843-1900) and Maryland senator Arthur P. Gorman (1839-1906)
Zipf's* Law
: American linguist George Kingsley Zipf (1902-1950)