Commodity terms of trade | = | Ppc/Pmf |
Double factoral terms of trade | = | (Px/Pm)*(Ax/Am) |
Gross barter terms of trade | = | (Qm/Qx) |
Income terms of trade | = | PxQx/Pm |
Net barter terms of trade | = | (Px/Pm) |
Single factoral terms of trade | = | (Px/Pm)*Ax |
where: | ||
Ax | = | Factor productivity of imports |
Am | = | Factor productivity of exports |
Qm | = | Quantity of imports |
Pm | = | Price of imports |
Pmf | = | Price of manufactures |
Ppc | = | Price of primary commodities |
Px | = | Price of exports |
Qx | = | Quantity of exports |
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©Alan V. Deardorff, 2000, 2001, ... , 2016 |
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