
Balassa-Samuelson effect of productivity increase on the real exchange rate
Beachhead effect of having once entered a market
Border effect of on prices either side of an international border
Efficiency effect of trade on economic welfare
Fisher effect of inflation on interest rates
Froot-Rogoff effect of government consumption on the real exchange rate
Home market effect of home market size on exports
Hostage effect of continued partial ownership by a selling firm
Income effect of price on demand, through effect on real income
International Fisher effect of interest rates on exchange rate changes
Kravis-Lipsey-Bhagwati effect of factor-endowment differences on price levels
Locomotive effect of one country's income growth on other countries'
Laursen-Metzler effect of terms of trade on expenditure
Magnification effect of exogenous prices and endowments in the Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Penn Effect of economic development on prices
Portfolio balance effect of exchange-market intervention
Pro-competitive effect of trade on economic welfare
Productivity effect of trade on economic welfare
Ratchet effect of a variable that can move in only one direction
Scale effect of trade on economic welfare
Spending effect of export income on demand for nontradables, within the Dutch Disease
Substitution effect of price on demand, through substitution for other products
Terms of trade effect of a tariff by a large country on world price of the import
Ullyses effect of a trade agreement in constraining political action
Variety effect of trade on economic welfare