Rauch, James E. 1
Hanson, Gordon H. 2
Baranga, Thomas 3
Chiquiar, Daniel 4

Tobal, Martín

Ph.D. 2012  UCSD
Location (2024): Banco de Mexico
18 listed
Autor, David H.
Buzard, Kristy
Chiquiar, Daniel
Chung, Chul
Heilmann, Kilian
Labanca, Claudio
Ma, Xiao
Malesky, Edmund J.
Marcouiller, Douglas W.
Moenius, Johannes
Molina Rodriguez, Danielken
Oldenski, Lindsay
Osang, Thomas
Poole, Jennifer P.
Robertson, Raymond
Trindade, Vitor M.
Weinhold, Diana
Xiang, Chong
None listed

Tobal, Martín
Thesis: "Distributional Effects of Trade and Tariffs between and within Countries"
  1Rauch: "I will always be thankful to him for teaching me the fascinating language of economic modeling. My relationship with him has been the most fluid intellectual relationship I have ever had with anyone else."
  2Hanson: "I thank him for teaching me to look at economic problems from a broad perspective, to anticipate and solve problems that arise in the process of doing research and for his invaluable advice."
  3Baranga: "I thank him for his enthusiasm in reading my papers and for his helpful comments."
  4Chiquiar: "He has been a constant source of inspiration to me."