Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou (Penny) 1
Grossman, Gene M. 2
Melitz, Marc 3
Grandmont, Jean-Michel 4

Luong, Tuan Anh

Ph.D. 2011  Princeton
Location (2024): De Montfort
54 listed
Allen, Treb
Antràs, Pol
Atkin, David
Baqaee, David
Bergeaud, Antonin
Borusyak, Kirill
Brambilla, Irene
Bustos, Paula
Carmichael, Calum M.
Chaney, Thomas
Chatterjee, Arpita
Chen, Cheng
Chor, Davin
Costinot, Arnaud
Dasgupta, Kunal
de Gortari, Alonso
De Loecker, Jan
Dix-Carneiro, Rafael
Dutz, Mark A.
Fajgelbaum, Pablo
Grant, Matthew
Hallak, Juan Carlos
Harrison, Ann E.
Keuschnigg, Christian
Khandelwal, Amit
Kleinman, Benny
Koren, Miklós
Krishna, Kala
Kukharskyy, Bohdan
Lee, Eunhee
Levinsohn, James A.
Lhuillier, Hugo
Manova, Kalina
Pavcnik, Nina
Podhorsky, Andrea
Porto, Guido G.
Richardson, Martin D.
Rocha, Nadia
Rodriguez, Peter
Rodrik, Dani
Rotemberg, Martin
Rouzet, Dorothée
Saggi, Kamal
Sampson, Thomas
Schaal, Edouard
Smagghue, Gabriel
Sun, Chang
Swiecki, Tomasz
Tao, Zhigang
Timoshenko, Olga A.
Ulyssea, Gabriel
Vogel, Jonathan
Wu, Xiaodong
Ziv, Oren
None listed

Luong, Tuan Anh
Thesis: "Essays on International Trade"
  1Goldberg: "Penny is a very caring advisor. She always gave me the helpful advice when I needed."
  2Grossman: "Gene is the person who inspired me into the field. I also learn a lot from his professionalism."
  3Melitz: "Marc provided a fine example for me to look up to. He is an inspiration for young economists like me."
  4Grandmont: "And Jean-Michel is my first economic teacher. He encouraged me to become an economist."