Makarov, Valerii 1
Thisse, Jacques-François 2
Polterovich, Victor 3
Behrens, Kristian 4

Kokovin, Sergey

Ph.D. 1996  CEMI
Location (2024): HSE
9 listed
Behrens, Kristian
Bougna, Theophile
Gaigne, Carl
Mion, Giordano
Nicolini, Rosella
Nocco, Antonella
Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P.
Picard Pierre M.
van Ypersele, Tanguy
None listed

Kokovin, Sergey
Thesis: "Equilibria of markets with transaction costs and rationing"
  1Makarov: "All of them are both bright scientists and organizers of scientific teams"
  2Thisse: "All of them are both bright scientists and organizers of scientific teams"
  3Polterovich: "All of them are both bright scientists and organizers of scientific teams"
  4Behrens: "All of them are both bright scientists and organizers of scientific teams"