Feeding Junkfood to Critters

It all started one day when I was sitting out in the hospital courtyard enjoying the weather and snacking on a cherry Hostess Fruit Pie. One of the friendly local chimpmunks came nosing around in search of a handout. Here are the results of that and other feeding attempts since.

Hostess Fruit Pie, Cherry, chunk Chipmunk Grabbed it and ran off.
M & M, normal Squirrel Sniffed it. Went away.
M & M, peanut Squirrel Sniffed it. Stuck around.
sunflower seed kernels Chipmunk Ran away in terror.
Frito Chipmunk Ran off with Frito. Returned. Ate second Frito.
Hostess Cupcake, chunk Chipmunk Ate it. Went away.
Hostess Cupcake, crumbs Birdie Ate crumbs. Hopped away.
Snyder's Chedar thing Chipmunk Sniffed it. Made chirping noises at another chipmunk.
Reese's peanut butter cup, chunk Chipmunk Ate it. Asked for more.
Donut, chunk, with sprinkles Baby Bunny Ran away.
Donut, chunk, with sprinkles Baby Chipmunk Stayed still for minutes. Finally ate it.
Donut, chunk, no sprinkles Chipmunk Grabbed in mouth. Ran off to eat.
Gummibear Chipmunk Shoved it into cheek. Ran off.
cinnamon roll, chunk
mislabelled as chocolate danish
Chipmunk Grabbed it. Ran to the shade to eat.
Chewy Spree, purple Squirrel Grabbed and eagerly devoured.
2005 Data
Cheeto, crunchy
dangerously cheesy
Cardinal Flew away in terror.
Cheeto, crunchy
dangerously cheesy
Other birds That's good eatin'.

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Last Update: 5/25/05
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