An angel must select an available manuever and spend an essense to begin storing for a Limit Break. From then on every point of damage the angel receives moves them one point closer to their Limit Break threshold. Once the threshold is reached the angel may, at any one time preform the selected manuever. An angel cannot be storing damage for more than one Limit Break at a time. They must wait until the previous Limit Break has been preformed. The angel may however allow a Limit Break to lapse without effect, but spent essense and stored damage is lost. Below is a listing of the manuevers and the damage that must be stored before the Limit Break may be preformed.
No distinction - Cross-slash - 20 Vassal of the Sword - Climhazzard - 25 Friend of the Lord's Troops - Finishing Touch - 35 Master of the Armies of God - OMNISLASH - 50Cross-slash
The attacker impales the victim with a single automatically successful attack and then leaps
into the air tearing the weapon through the victim, causing huge damage. Multiply damage by 4.
Finishing Touch
This attack creates a funnel of air that lifts ALL enemies into the air. Victims resist with
Strength or Will to avoid instant death. Those who resist are dropped to earth, receive double normal
attack damage and are stunned for one round.
The attacker makes *15* attacks in one round! Furthermore, for an additional essense
the attacker may make a final attack at 5 times damage on a single opponent.
Please note that all above rules are totally unofficial and quite possibly unbalancing, but also note the no one has this attunement, so it doesn't really hurt anything, does it?