As we all know the University of Michigan Medical Center has experienced a
combination of shrinking intake of funds coupled with growing expenditures.
This has placed us in the unfortunate situation of having to dip into
interest on capital reserves in order to cover costs.  Clearly, if this
institution is to stay competitive in a health care industry migrating
towards health organizations and managed care, we will need to engage in an
aggressive strategy of right-sizing.  To this ends I present to following

The Self-Serve Hospital

The aim of this strategy is to eliminate an estimated 92%-98% of our staff
without adversely effecting the quality of medical care available.  Many
other business sectors including banking, automotive fuel, and food service
have made the successful move from labor intensive full-service to a more
economical, technology driven self-serve approach.  Here is how the
self-serve hospital will be implemented in certain key areas.

Self-Serve Emergency Room - This has long been one of the highest stress
locations for staff.  Thanks to the increased exposure that the general
public has received from the media and television shows like Chicago Hope
and ER the techniques and procedures used in the ER are becoming public
knowledge.  This combined with new machines such as the coin operated Mr.
Cast, HeartStart(tm) auto-deflibrillator, and U-Pump stomach content
removal system allow the ER to run on its own 24 hours a day with little or
no supervision.

Self-Serve Radiology - Airport security X-ray conveyors have been modified
to allow the patient to view the screen as they pass underneath the
scanner.  This makes the detection of broken bones a cinch. (See also
self-serve MRI)  Chemotherapy machines now are being designed with the same
simple controls as the already familiar microwave oven for added ease of

Self-Serve ICU - Name now stands for Independent Care Unit.

Self-Serve Surgery - There are huge cost savings to be had here.  Not only
do we eliminate some of the highest paid specialists in the hospital, but
the self-serve OR also eliminates extremely high malpractice insurance
rates.  After all, the patient has no one but himself to blame for any

Self-Serve Pharmacy - Patients write their own prescriptions.  Very popular
with customers.

Self-Serve Blood Bank - Select your blood type and make automated deposits
or withdrawals.  Don't know your blood type?  Try O.

Self-Serve Physical Therapy - Monitors display looping tape of Sweating to
the Oldies.

Self-Serve Morgue - Clearly the subject will not be able to perform their
own autopsy, but relatives, friends, and neighbors can try their hand. 
Amateur M.E.s can check their theories against a helpful chart of the top
100 causes of death.

Self-Serve Psychiatric - There are now very sophisticated versions of the
artificial intelligence psychoanalysis simulator ELIZA which can surely
help patients with neurosis in lieu of a trained professional.  There are
also a number of padded rooms for those who feel uncomfortable with the
dangers of the outside world.  While it is hard to put on a straitjacket by
yourself, it is not impossible.