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Breath Water Sound Workshop

Breath Water Sound Workshops, known as 'Nav Chetna Shibirs' in India are designed to relieve people of stress and instill a sense of belonging. The main reason why people do not identify themselves with service is that they feel a lot of pressure from their daily lives. Stress and lack of confidence make an individual ineffective and this in turn, affects society at large. These awareness camps conducted by the Foundation help to overcome this problem.

In India alone, 21,000 free Nav Chetna Shibirs have been conducted benefiting over 1 million people.

A major component of Breath Water Sound is community service . A considerable portion of the program is dedicated to community empowerment and taking responsibility for the needs of one's community.

These workshops incorporate simple yet powerful techniques to relieve people of stress and improve clarity of thought. The workshop includes breathing exercises to help alleviate physical and emotional stress, simple meditation techniques which help one to be stress free and more effective in their work, talks on healthy diet and healthy living, appreciating harmony in diversity, games and singing to bring about a sense of belongingness.

Follow up sessions where they get together as a community, sing together and share ideas form an integral part of the campaign to revive human values. At the end of the camp, villagers share their experiences with each other and discuss issues that affect them in a constructive manner. The trained youth leaders who administer the workshops often hail from the same or surrounding villages. This helps them to communicate in the local language and be sensitive to the local culture, customs and mindset.

These workshops have also been started in USA , Europe and Africa .

Breath Water Sound has been extremely effective at:

  • Increasing overall health and mental well-being
  • Eliminating stress
  • Reducing alcoholism and drug abuse
  • Domestic Violence

Participants have reported greater ease in relationships, sustained emotional balance, Increased mental clarity and greater joy and peace in life.


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