Home > Courses > Youth Empowerment Seminar(YES Program)
Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES Program)
Today, more and more youngsters are visiting psychologists, psychiatrists
and seeking help from counselors. Clearly stressful factors like an
arduous education system, rising competition, increasing parental
pressures, common teenage issues, tough careers and large expectations
from the youth are taking their toll on these young minds. The Art of Living has recognized the need of the young adults in society and has a program, which is specifically tailored to the youth. Called the 'Youth Empowerment Seminar' or The YES Program, this workshop teaches teenagers how to accept themselves and other people, handle all situations in life, makes them responsible and efficient, tackles problems like depression, lack of confidence, loneliness and lack of concentration. All these are the very problems the youth face and are not able to bring to the fore. By subduing their inner feelings, they become reserved, shy, reticent and depressed. Through fun processes, games, laughter and meditation, the teens are taught to tackle various issues. The Young Adults Workshop prepares all youngsters for a better life ahead, no matter how confident, responsible they already are. Gone are the days when yoga and meditation were considered activities for the middle aged and old generation. Today, more and more youngsters are enrolling in the YES Program to get a grip on their lives.
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