even though the moon is hung up opposite me like a mirror the angel in my eye hurts me on the tables the seeds swell up and if you strike the plants their blossoms jump the lions succumb before their sentry boxes with watering cans full of diamonds in their claws the guides wear wooden aprons the birds wear wooden ankle-boots the birds are full of echoes their eggs roll endlessly from their little hearts their stripes support the mast of the sky their soles on the walking flames if the chain of snow breaks they invoke god if the wheel of the sky comes down their horseshoes walk on black seeds the jig saws of the injured birds buzz in the forests of saws the animals with vermilion trumpets slip into one another like chinese boxes the jumping-jack stars the jumping-jack flowers and the jumping-jack men cut their strings the cartesian divers whistle their way across the brine-pits that are lovelier than the gardens of Louis XIV in the morocco-leather coaches slowly i climb the milepole i put my eggs in the treeholes of the milestones from all the corners of the world the dadaists are now arising but basically they are merely masked meissoniers they imitate the clicking of the tongue and the convulsion of language in the cloud pump a terrible mene tekel zeppelin will be made ready for them and the private orchestra of the dadaists will whisper something to them they'll be thrown to the caterpillars as food they'll have beards planted in the wrong places they will seesaw on the lassos of the stars THE ONLY TRUE DADAISTS ARE THE DADAISTS OF SPIEGELGASSE beware of imitations ask your bookdealers only for the dadaists of spiegelgasse or at least for the works that were soaked in aquadadatinta by the dadaist rasputin and spiritus rector tzar tristan