Maurulam Catapult i lemm i lamm Haba habs tapam papperlapapp patam and grabs the pope fellow in the aquarium and like the economical mistress of the house cutting the stained water in the vat papperlapp patam patam patam and walking across the four cycles of day across the piss-peace the piss-war patam patam and hanging up its corporal flesh its corporal soul its corporal tree-branch in the wardrobe of the madonna of the hippodrome patam patam thus we lean over the licenses with the congenital song of libretto near the wall of maurulam that's why it catapults i lemm and i lamm against the fixed and finite "flaximile folios" papperlapp patam and paste the pope fellow in the aquarium that's why he's carried that way which is neither gay or sad and has no sin and howls like a living dress like a dental stone Habemus papam habemus mamam masculine of Mesopotamia bosco contra belachini Haba habs tapam patam patam teaching heresy so that the family tree may remain upright with its family fruits its family leaves its family trunk its family bark its family roots patam patam Maurulam catapult i lemm i lamm Haba habs tapam his language broke in his mouth You have hair in your soul You have hair in your Mister Just who are those fellows it's the spirit of eggs of nights it may be in the distance the wild flesh that draws nearer I shouldn't say it patam patam I dare not say it patam patam maurulam catapult i lemm i lamm haba habs tapam