from Profile File and Space

Hive of Dreams

SPECIAL THANG-- Click here to hear this poem, in the original French, put to music and sung (slightly rearranged) by me!

the flowers are dressed in lightning
in the feathers of the star the breast-lined dream of flesh sleeps
the dream holds a star in its mouth just as the cat holds a mouse in its mouth
the flesh-flowers have dream-tongues
star of mist

the star of flesh beneath the vault of time
time purrs like a dream
the stars sleep around the breasts around the hives of dreams
mist of flower
feathers of star
the flowers purr

the stars purr before the hive of lightning
mouse of mist
mouse of star
mouse of flower
the dream is a cat its tongue is a flower

the flesh purrs in the feathers of time
the mice and the cats sleep on the tongue of time
the lightning sleeps beneath the vault of mist
the stars are dressed in breasts
the tongue of mist in the flower-mouth
the mouth of mist beneath the vault of flesh

BACK TO 1946