Summer Monster
the sky names sky sky by trade and sky during its hours is large leap and blue
the leapfrog laughs blue
the monstrous frog grows in the monstrous sky
it grows unceasingly
it spies on the earth
the blue sky grows in the blue laughter
leap trade of frog of leap
hours of monstrous leaps
the blue earth
the monstrous leapfrog threatens to swoop down on the earth
the blue laughter grows in the blue sky
the leapfrog names leapfrog leapfrog by trade and leapfrog during its
hours is large leap and blue
the leapfrog threatens to swoop down on the earth and snap it up
the leap laughs and grows unceasingly
the sky wants to snap up the earth
the blue leap laughs
the blue spies on the blue
the blue laughter wants to swoop down on the earth
the blue wants to snap up the blue
BACK TO 1946