These lithographs are collaborations. Sonia Delaunay, Sophie Taeuber,
Alberto Magnelli, and I did them, sometimes two of us together, sometimes
three or four of us. They are duos, trios, quartets. Four instruments
create a harmonious consonance. Four people blend, submerge, submit, to
attain a plastic unity. The lines of one hand furrow the color spaces
constructed by a fellow hand. Shapes join together and live naturally
as do organs in a body. An alloy is cast into a bell and rings out.
1941. We found ourselves in Grasse. The constellations bringing
those four artists together were especially favorable to the realization
of joint work, for the tragic hours during which these lithographs were
conceived compelled modesty, the sacrifice of all vanity, the effacement
of any overly individual expression.
BACK TO 1949