Cloud Shepherd

     Upon waking I found on my sculptor's turntable a small, mischievous
shape, perky and rather obese, like the belly of a lute.  It seemed to
recall a goblin.  And so that's what I named it.  And lo and behold, one
day that tiny individual, that goblin, thanks to a Venezuelan medium,
suddenly fathered a giant.  The giant son and his father were as alike
as two peas in a pod, two figs on a branch, two bells in a tower.  Like
the father, he is difficult to define.  And like all definitions, Monday's
was different from Tuesday's.  All definitions of matter and the atom,
from the pre-Socratics to our time, are a confusing cloud!  Was that what
induced the young giant to become a cloud shepherd?

BACK TO 1953