Antoine Poncet
In record time Antoine Poncet freed himself from convention,
from what is known in sculpture as imitation, resemblance. Joyfully,
like a good swimmer, he let himself be borne along on life and his
nature. Nothing is closer to nature than a sculpture of Poncet's.
Poncet does not measure, he is no tailor, his stones are made-- but
not custom-made-- for men. He makes no mistakes when cutting, he
takes due measures, he never becomes presumptuous.
How difficult it is to make people realize that loving man
doesn't necessarily involve reproducing his image in sculpture and
painting, as artists have been doing for centuries. Isn't allowing
man to realize his dream, as a plant realizes its flower, a sign of
love for man? The stones I saw in Poncet's studio are stones of
dreams. They sprang up in the full joy of spring time. These dreams
are a gift from infinite nature. These dreams are a grace of what is
behind nature.
BACK TO 1955