The inhabitants of the continent of eyes without needles bear a certain
resemblance to us and dogs.
When they rise up and walk on their hind legs, then beware.
At such times they are incontestably more intelligent than we.
But as soon as they want to be loyal and comfortable
they run about on all fours and are stupid.
At such times one can catch them.
All you have to do is go psst psst and jump on them
and you'll have them by the collar.
The great patriot of the continent of eyes without needles never indulges
in loyalty or comfort and never runs about on all fours.
Christopher Columbus came from the continent of eyes without needles and
he was a great patriot.
Christopher Columbus was the only true discoverer of a continent who would
assuredly have discovered many more continents on our planet.
if he hadn't been devoured by the Queen of Spain
who couldn't resist candied fruits like Columbus.
He would assuredly have discovered the continent of unbobbed bobbin lace,
the continent of black-stemmed stars,
the continent of navels without bellies
to which the great slug always alludes on its bicycle.
BACK TO 1958