Meudon-Val-Fleury, November 7, 1959
Dear Kassak,
The news that Kassak will soon be coming in flesh and blood to
Paris amazed me more than any rumor that Santa Claus would be coming
in person.
The first time I ever heard about you was in Zurich-- almost a
lifetime ago-- from Sophie Taeuber when she returned from Vienna.
She had brought along a work of yours, which we carried about every-
where as enthusiastically as an icon. I deliberately call it an icon,
for your work emanated a faith, the belief in the freedom of art.
Sophie also brought back your magazine MA, the "Book of new art."
She was so enthusiastic that she designed a "monument to Kassak."
I wish you bon voyage and hope that you arrive in good health
in our dear Paris.
J. Arp
BACK TO 1958