Complexity of Cooperation Web Site


This is a file of propensity data for the alliance sim program 
  File created  5/26/1992  at  11:0 1
 This file created by Propensity_Maker,version  3.320 from input file asim.1936.raw
After this header, there is a line of "****", followed by up to 20 comment lines which 
   will appear in the output of Alliance_Sim.  These comment lines are ended by another line of "****".
After that second line of "****" comes the  data. 
First line of data is path to run_number_file;  second line is path to history_file.
Third line is number of countries, then that many lines of country labels, 
    then a line which is simply #s which are column headers for the prop matrix
   then number_of_country lines which are the prop matrix.  Each has an index # on the left
   then propensities with the other countries, in order.  After the matrix is another line of ****
    then either an initial configuration or a blank line, then ****, then the original input data (if any).
Size = COW National Capability index.  Year = 1936.  
European countries w/ Major alliance.  
Props coded 7/15/91.  Includes Portugal.  
Pre-WWII theory based operationalizations.  
Scaling Factor for propensities was         0.00100
			  1	  2	  3	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9	 10	 11	 12	 13	 14	 15	 16	 17	
	 1	        	   1.000000000   5.530924320 -12.573430061  -1.831433535   0.140479803   1.160896182   0.639907300   0.239890009  -0.005475750 -14.513141632   0.019687442   0.272288263   0.022086270   0.044896755   0.026659824   0.227895498   0.078448497
	 2	        	   5.530924320   1.000000000 -16.217702866  -0.053598948   0.153114244   1.079521060   0.476374030   0.109059989  -0.003910200 -10.433817863   0.080345437   0.392636746   0.000646380   0.018425951   0.044402048   0.103606991   0.140048996
	 3	        	 -12.573430061 -16.217702866   1.000000000   1.569729209  -0.311316282  -2.221551180  -1.705838203  -0.079510801  -0.410535991 -39.581401825  -0.659571886  -5.926324844   0.036520272   0.071188547  -0.078591026  -0.075535260   0.105167970
	 4	        	  -1.831433535  -0.053598948   1.569729209   1.000000000  -0.245003834  -0.101032093  -0.267188996  -0.080600001  -0.002962050  -7.906081676  -0.412530959   0.303845853   0.000000000   0.013516619   0.034456499  -0.076569997   0.108810000
	 5	        	   0.140479803   0.153114244  -0.311316282  -0.245003834   1.000000000  -0.024172312  -0.065389395   0.011448001  -0.015632141  -1.534870028  -0.075495325   0.024114713   0.000609228   0.001941861   0.002549389   0.010875599   0.007885350
	 6	        	   1.160896182   1.079521060  -2.221551180  -0.101032093  -0.024172312   1.000000000   0.108018532   0.024886001   0.003511249  -2.139162302   0.016355108  -0.345348030   0.000602508   0.003901890   0.007760890   0.023641698   0.024281099
	 7	        	   0.639907300   0.476374030  -1.705838203  -0.267188996  -0.065389395   0.108018532   1.000000000   0.016692001   0.019175081  -3.395776749   0.014391925   0.039693996   0.000921586   0.001525664   0.001177613   0.015857400   0.003159000
	 8	        	   0.239890009   0.109059989  -0.079510801  -0.080600001   0.011448001   0.024886001   0.016692001   1.000000000  -0.000147000  -0.387858421  -0.001132800   0.002342400   0.000972000   0.001547000   0.000080000   0.007600000   0.000000000
	 9	        	  -0.005475750  -0.003910200  -0.410535991  -0.002962050  -0.015632141   0.003511249   0.019175081  -0.000147000   1.000000000   0.112411730   0.007326352   0.016970046   0.000346521   0.000332591   0.000024749  -0.000139650  -0.000198450
	10	        	 -14.513141632 -10.433817863 -39.581401825  -7.906081676  -1.534870028  -2.139162302  -3.395776749  -0.387858421   0.112411730   1.000000000  -0.039151978  -8.461875916  -0.107510924  -0.240316421  -0.190340310  -0.653655469  -0.124417879
	11	        	   0.019687442   0.080345437  -0.659571886  -0.412530959  -0.075495325   0.016355108   0.014391925  -0.001132800   0.007326352  -0.039151978   1.000000000   0.022869017  -0.000020355   0.000362446   0.001374511  -0.001076160   0.004221450
	12	        	   0.272288263   0.392636746  -5.926324844   0.303845853   0.024114713  -0.345348030   0.039693996   0.002342400   0.016970046  -8.461875916   0.022869017   1.000000000   0.001167943   0.004083339  -0.029964989   0.002225280   0.020356921
	13	        	   0.022086270   0.000646380   0.036520272   0.000000000   0.000609228   0.000602508   0.000921586   0.000972000   0.000346521  -0.107510924  -0.000020355   0.001167943   1.000000000   0.000390000   0.000022518   0.000923400   0.000000000
	14	        	   0.044896755   0.018425951   0.071188547   0.013516619   0.001941861   0.003901890   0.001525664   0.001547000   0.000332591  -0.240316421   0.000362446   0.004083339   0.000390000   1.000000000   0.000321041   0.001469650   0.000905580
	15	        	   0.026659824   0.044402048  -0.078591026   0.034456499   0.002549389   0.007760890   0.001177613   0.000080000   0.000024749  -0.190340310   0.001374511  -0.029964989   0.000022518   0.000321041   1.000000000   0.000076000   0.002308500
	16	        	   0.227895498   0.103606991  -0.075535260  -0.076569997   0.010875599   0.023641698   0.015857400   0.007600000  -0.000139650  -0.653655469  -0.001076160   0.002225280   0.000923400   0.001469650   0.000076000   1.000000000   0.000000000
	17	        	   0.078448497   0.140048996   0.105167970   0.108810000   0.007885350   0.024281099   0.003159000   0.000000000  -0.000198450  -0.124417879   0.004221450   0.020356921   0.000000000   0.000905580   0.002308500   0.000000000   1.000000000
# 	 Name 	 Size 	 Ethnic_ 	 Border_  	 War_  	 Proportion 					 Govt	
			 Conflict 	 Conflict 	 History 	 Cath 	 Prot	 Orth	 Musl	Ath	Othr	 Type	
1	  Britain 	  0.0745 	0	0	3,5	 0.390	 0.610	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
2	   France 	  0.0532 	0	3	3,5	 0.975	 0.025	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
3	  Germany 	  0.1149 	12,6,15	12	4,7,9,10,11,12	 0.339	 0.654	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.007	  2
4	    Italy 	  0.0403 	11	11	5	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  2
5	  Hungary 	  0.0045 	11,7,6	6,7,11	7,9,10,11	 0.649	 0.272	 0.028	 0.000	 0.000	 0.051	  1
6	   Czech. 	  0.0115 	12	12	0	 0.782	 0.082	 0.110	 0.000	 0.000	 0.025	  1
7	  Rumania 	  0.0078 	10	10	0	 0.150	 0.070	 0.738	 0.000	 0.000	 0.043	  1
8	  Denmark 	  0.0020 	0	0	0	 0.000	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
9	   Greece 	  0.0035 	0	0	0	 0.000	 0.000	 0.979	 0.021	 0.000	 0.000	  4
10	     USSR 	  0.1501 	12	12	12,13,14,15,16	 0.030	 0.045	 0.562	 0.337	 0.000	 0.025	  3
11	 Yugoslav 	  0.0059 	0	0	0	 0.378	 0.017	 0.492	 0.113	 0.000	 0.000	  4
12	   Poland 	  0.0183 	15	15	0	 0.412	 0.064	 0.287	 0.000	 0.000	 0.237	  4
13	  Estonia 	  0.0006 	0	0	0	 0.000	 0.810	 0.190	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  4
14	   Latvia 	  0.0013 	0	0	0	 0.258	 0.595	 0.095	 0.000	 0.000	 0.052	  4
15	 Lithuani 	  0.0010 	0	0	0	 0.855	 0.040	 0.027	 0.000	 0.000	 0.078	  4
16	  Finland 	  0.0019 	0	0	0	 0.000	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
17	 Portugal 	  0.0027 	0	0	0	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  4

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University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Revised November 4, 1996.