Complexity of Cooperation Web Site


This is a file of propensity data for the alliance sim program 
  File created  5/26/1992  at  11:0 1
 This file created by Propensity_Maker,version  3.320 from input file asim.1937.raw
After this header, there is a line of "****", followed by up to 20 comment lines which 
   will appear in the output of Alliance_Sim.  These comment lines are ended by another line of "****".
After that second line of "****" comes the  data. 
First line of data is path to run_number_file;  second line is path to history_file.
Third line is number of countries, then that many lines of country labels, 
    then a line which is simply #s which are column headers for the prop matrix
   then number_of_country lines which are the prop matrix.  Each has an index # on the left
   then propensities with the other countries, in order.  After the matrix is another line of ****
    then either an initial configuration or a blank line, then ****, then the original input data (if any).
Size = COW National Capability index.  Year = 1937.  
European countries w/ Major alliance.  
Props coded 7/15/91.  Includes Portugal.  
Pre-WWII theory based operationalizations.  
Scaling Factor for propensities was         0.00100
			  1	  2	  3	  4	  5	  6	  7	  8	  9	 10	 11	 12	 13	 14	 15	 16	 17	
	 1	        	   1.000000000   5.139221191 -12.848573685  -1.804453135   0.143987089   1.315840483   0.674528956   0.240533993  -0.005961060 -14.493932724   0.020409454   0.274511129   0.022145562   0.041554414   0.026731392   0.228507295   0.078659095
	 2	        	   5.139221191   1.000000000 -15.316568375  -0.048806950   0.145042822   1.130868077   0.464090466   0.101064995  -0.003934140  -9.630283356   0.076979361   0.365841508   0.000598995   0.015761703   0.041147012   0.096011743   0.129782259
	 3	        	 -12.848573685 -15.316568375   1.000000000   1.571997166  -0.324327737  -2.559403419  -1.827653885  -0.081033200  -0.454259127 -40.178020477  -0.694987178  -6.072800636   0.037219532   0.066970713  -0.080095820  -0.076981544   0.107181624
	 4	        	  -1.804453135  -0.048806950   1.571997166   1.000000000  -0.246098161  -0.112226397  -0.276011974  -0.079200000  -0.003160080  -7.737700939  -0.419106573   0.300199687   0.000000000   0.012260159   0.033858001  -0.075240001   0.106919996
	 5	        	   0.143987089   0.145042822  -0.324327737  -0.246098161   1.000000000  -0.027932452  -0.070270315   0.011702402  -0.017349197  -1.562706709  -0.079789035   0.024785299   0.000622766   0.001832320   0.002606043   0.011117280   0.008060580
	 6	        	   1.315840483   1.130868077  -2.559403419  -0.112226397  -0.027932452   1.000000000   0.128369853   0.028132001   0.004309458  -2.408517361   0.019115107  -0.392526746   0.000681096   0.004071537   0.008773180   0.026725400   0.027448200
	 7	        	   0.674528956   0.464090466  -1.827653885  -0.276011974  -0.070270315   0.128369853   1.000000000   0.017548000   0.021886284  -3.555649281   0.015642853   0.041957617   0.000968846   0.001480526   0.001238003   0.016670601   0.003321000
	 8	        	   0.240533993   0.101064995  -0.081033200  -0.079200000   0.011702402   0.028132001   0.017548000   1.000000000  -0.000159600  -0.386308014  -0.001171200   0.002355200   0.000972000   0.001428000   0.000080000   0.007600000   0.000000000
	 9	        	  -0.005961060  -0.003934140  -0.454259127  -0.003160080  -0.017349197   0.004309458   0.021886284  -0.000159600   1.000000000   0.121559158   0.008223963   0.018525302   0.000376223   0.000333322   0.000026870  -0.000151620  -0.000215460
	10	        	 -14.493932724  -9.630283356 -40.178020477  -7.737700939  -1.562706709  -2.408517361  -3.555649281  -0.386308014   0.121559158   1.000000000  -0.040317353  -8.474105835  -0.107081175  -0.220943823  -0.189579442  -0.651042581  -0.123920552
	11	        	   0.020409454   0.076979361  -0.694987178  -0.419106573  -0.079789035   0.019115107   0.015642853  -0.001171200   0.008223963  -0.040317353   1.000000000   0.023773441  -0.000021045   0.000345907   0.001421105  -0.001112640   0.004364549
	12	        	   0.274511129   0.365841508  -6.072800636   0.300199687   0.024785299  -0.392526746   0.041957617   0.002355200   0.018525302  -8.474105835   0.023773441   1.000000000   0.001174325   0.003789833  -0.030128730   0.002237440   0.020468161
	13	        	   0.022145562   0.000598995   0.037219532   0.000000000   0.000622766   0.000681096   0.000968846   0.000972000   0.000376223  -0.107081175  -0.000021045   0.001174325   1.000000000   0.000360000   0.000022518   0.000923400   0.000000000
	14	        	   0.041554414   0.015761703   0.066970713   0.012260159   0.001832320   0.004071537   0.001480526   0.001428000   0.000333322  -0.220943823   0.000345907   0.003789833   0.000360000   1.000000000   0.000296346   0.001356600   0.000835920
	15	        	   0.026731392   0.041147012  -0.080095820   0.033858001   0.002606043   0.008773180   0.001238003   0.000080000   0.000026870  -0.189579442   0.001421105  -0.030128730   0.000022518   0.000296346   1.000000000   0.000076000   0.002308500
	16	        	   0.228507295   0.096011743  -0.076981544  -0.075240001   0.011117280   0.026725400   0.016670601   0.007600000  -0.000151620  -0.651042581  -0.001112640   0.002237440   0.000923400   0.001356600   0.000076000   1.000000000   0.000000000
	17	        	   0.078659095   0.129782259   0.107181624   0.106919996   0.008060580   0.027448200   0.003321000   0.000000000  -0.000215460  -0.123920552   0.004364549   0.020468161   0.000000000   0.000835920   0.002308500   0.000000000   1.000000000
# 	 Name 	 Size 	 Ethnic_ 	 Border_  	 War_  	 Proportion 					 Govt	
			 Conflict 	 Conflict 	 History 	 Cath 	 Prot	 Orth	 Musl	Ath	Othr	 Type	
1	  Britain 	  0.0747 	0	0	3,5	 0.390	 0.610	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
2	   France 	  0.0493 	0	3	3,5	 0.975	 0.025	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
3	  Germany 	  0.1171 	12,6,15	12	4,7,9,10,11,12	 0.339	 0.654	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.007	  2
4	    Italy 	  0.0396 	11	11	5	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  2
5	  Hungary 	  0.0046 	11,7,6	6,7,11	7,9,10,11	 0.649	 0.272	 0.028	 0.000	 0.000	 0.051	  1
6	   Czech. 	  0.0130 	12	12	0	 0.782	 0.082	 0.110	 0.000	 0.000	 0.025	  1
7	  Rumania 	  0.0082 	10	10	0	 0.150	 0.070	 0.738	 0.000	 0.000	 0.043	  1
8	  Denmark 	  0.0020 	0	0	0	 0.000	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
9	   Greece 	  0.0038 	0	0	0	 0.000	 0.000	 0.979	 0.021	 0.000	 0.000	  4
10	     USSR 	  0.1495 	12	12	12,13,14,15,16	 0.030	 0.045	 0.562	 0.337	 0.000	 0.025	  3
11	 Yugoslav 	  0.0061 	0	0	0	 0.378	 0.017	 0.492	 0.113	 0.000	 0.000	  4
12	   Poland 	  0.0184 	15	15	0	 0.412	 0.064	 0.287	 0.000	 0.000	 0.237	  4
13	  Estonia 	  0.0006 	0	0	0	 0.000	 0.810	 0.190	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  4
14	   Latvia 	  0.0012 	0	0	0	 0.258	 0.595	 0.095	 0.000	 0.000	 0.052	  4
15	 Lithuani 	  0.0010 	0	0	0	 0.855	 0.040	 0.027	 0.000	 0.000	 0.078	  4
16	  Finland 	  0.0019 	0	0	0	 0.000	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  1
17	 Portugal 	  0.0027 	0	0	0	 1.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	 0.000	  4

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University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Revised November 4, 1996.