program Culture; {Robert Axelrod, School of Public Policy, U Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109} { This version is based on version 2.6 Axelrod's Org program for his Cultural Model.} const Version = 2.6; {Program Version Number} test = true; {if test=true, no run_number is read or written.} {Run # is set to 0 for test=true runs} old_random_seed = 0; {0 means new seed, else enter an old seed to reuse} cyclemax_float = 10; {# cycles in each reporting period. Cylce is one active actor, ie event. eg 1000} periodmax = 10; {number of periods of cyclemax each.Max 30,000 } mapmax = 1; {number of maps} popmax = 1; {number of replications of each map, each with cyclemax*periodmax active actors} mutuation_rate_perpop_percycle = 0.0; {mutation rate, per pop, per cycle for drift, eg 0.0} broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles = 0; {cylces in 10,000 that are interactions with broadcaster, not neighbors} { e.g. 200 means 2% of cycles are from broadcast, 98% from a neighbor} flat_map = true; {true is old method of no wrap around. false is torus} {production parameters} N_Xmax = 1; {Map sizes used. (max 5. See Initialize_Run, and def production_array)} Xmax_tops = 50; { largest allowable value of Xmax1, Xmax2, etc.} Ymax_tops = Xmax_tops; {assume square map} Xmax1 = 10; { first map size East to West: Square map assumed. Max is Xmax_tops} Xmax2 = 5; { second map size, etc.} Xmax3 = 7; Xmax4 = 12; Xmax5 = 17; N_interaction_types = 1; {neighborhood types used} Interaction_types_tops = 16;{ largerst allowable is 16} Interaction_Types1 = 4; {first used. : 4=NEWS, 8=3x3, 12=diamond, 16=diamond+NEWS repeated} Interaction_Types2 = 8; Interaction_Types3 = 12; Interaction_Types4 = 0; Interaction_Types5 = 0; N_bitmax = 1; {Chromosome sizes used (max 5)} bitmax_tops = 15; { largest allowable bitmax1, bitmax2, etc} bitmax1 = 5; { Size of chromosome in first set of pops, ie bits in indiv's culture. Max bitmax_tops} bitmax2 = 10; { second string length, etc.} bitmax3 = 15; bitmax4 = 0; bitmax5 = 0; N_allelemax = 1; {Alleles in indiv's culture (number of different values to be used) (max 5)} allelemax1 = 15; {Alleles in each gene in first set of pops} allelemax2 = 10; {Alleles in each gene in first set of pops} allelemax3 = 15; allelemax4 = 0; allelemax5 = 0; {reporting options: } TextGridReport = false; {Report period grid data to text window; slows things down} Graphics = false; {Show graphics in drawing window if true} Graph_distance = false; {Plot cul. distance in drawing window if true (and graphics=true)} WritePeriodicStats = true; {Writes period statistics to period_output if true} WriteRegionStats = false; {Writes data on regions each period, huge unless few periods} WriteRegionStatsAtEnd = true; {Writes data on regions at end of a case to Region_Output if neighbor_clear} stack_map = true; {if false, can see multiple maps in drawing window} report_bit_origin = false; {write origin of first bit as Xmax*(y-1)+x-1} {graphics view: } w = 10; {Graphics constant: width of a cell, eg 20} h_offset = 20; {Graphics constant: where grid starts in drawing window, horizontal offset, eg 20} v_offset = 20; {Graphics constant: where grid starts, eg 20} pen_size = 4; {Graphics constant: height and width of pen, eg 6} {compiler constants} Xmax_topsPlus1 = Xmax_tops + 1; {highest values allowed of Xmax} Ymax_topsPlus1 = Ymax_tops + 1; XmaxYmax_tops = Xmax_tops * Ymax_tops; Run_Number_File_Name = 'Run Number File'; type x_type = 1..xmax_tops; {range of indiv's x coord} y_type = 1..ymax_tops; {range of indiv's y coord} bit_type = 1..bitmax_tops; {bit on culture} culture_array = array[0..Xmax_topsPlus1, 0..Ymax_topsPlus1, 1..bitmax_tops] of integer; {for x, y,bit: max sizes allowed} culture_array_pointer = ^culture_array; Culture_Array_Handle = ^culture_array_pointer; done_array = array[0..Xmax_topsPlus1, 0..Ymax_topsPlus1] of boolean;{for analyzing regions. max actual geo } done_array_pointer = ^done_array; done_array_handle = ^done_array_pointer; direction_type = 1..16; {neighbors: see pop initialization. Starts with north, e, w, s order} direction_array = array[1..16] of integer; {for x and y moves} distance_array = array[1..Xmax_tops, 1..Ymax_tops] of integer; {for distances right and down} distance_array_pointer = ^distance_array; distance_array_handle = ^distance_array_pointer; production_array = array[1..5] of integer; {for storing production values} location_array = array[1..XmaxYmax_tops] of integer; {for x and y loc of first member of a region} location_array_pointer = ^location_array; location_array_handle = ^location_array_pointer; var initial_datetime, end_datetime: datetimerec; {date, etc.} initial_hour, end_hour: longint; start_time, end_time, duration: longint; {for calc of run's duration} random_seed: integer; run_number: integer; datafile: text; {input data} final_output: text; region_output: text; period_output: text; pop: integer; {current population number, 1...popmax} period: longint; {current period number, 1..periodmax} ix, iy: integer; {x,y coordinate of current active individual} jx: integer; {x coord of a neighbor, 0..xmax+1} jy: integer; {y coord of a neighbor, 0..ymax+1} culture: Culture_Array_Handle; {culture of ix,iy,bit - an integer variable} {-1 for beyond bord, or 1... allelemax} {x=0 is beyond internal left border, x=xmax+1 is beyond right border, etc.} {This allows indivs on internal border to get automatic non-matches with illegal neighbors} xmove, ymove: direction_array; {jointly defines North, East, West, South direction} bit: integer; {the current bit of the culture} neighbor: direction_type; {neighbor, 1 to 16} direction: direction_type; {16 neighbors; starts with north, s, e, w order, then NE etc.} NoMatchPeriodCount: integer; {count of no matches in this period} NoMatchPopCount: integer; {count of no matches in this pop} match: boolean; {true if active matches selected neighbor on selected bit} bit_distance_sum: longint; {sum (in current cycle) of neighbors' bit distances over pop in a pop, } n_zero_distance: integer; {num (in current cycle) of boundaries of zero bit distance} talk_count: integer; {counts number of interactions tried in this cycle} r_dis: distance_array_handle; {bit distance of an actor to its right neighbor} d_dis: distance_array_handle; {bit distance of an actor to its down neighbor} iq: integer; {index of ready queue in analyze regions} done: done_array_handle; {true if the actor has been processed by regional analysis} regions: integer; {count of number of regions} region_size: integer; {number actors in current region} x_region, y_region: location_array_handle; {x and y loc of first member of a region } Xmax: 1..xmax_tops; {size of map east to west} Ymax: 1..ymax_tops; {size of map north to south} interaction_types: 1..Interaction_types_tops; {neighborhood type: 4=NEWS, 8=3x3, 12=diamond, 16=diamond+NEWS repeated} bitmax: 1..bitmax_tops; {number of genes in culture string} allelemax: integer; {number of alleles in each gene} Xmax_value: production_array; {Xmax's first, second, third, etc values} Interaction_Types_value: production_array; {interaction_type first, second, third etc values} bitmax_value: production_array; {bitmax's first, second, third, etc values} allelemax_value: production_array; {allelemax's first, second, third, etc values} XMaxPlus1: integer; {current value of xmax+1} YMaxPlus1: integer; {current value of ymax+1} Xmax_index: x_type; {in main program's loop} bitmax_index: bit_type; allelemax_index: integer; XmaxYmax: integer; {current value} interaction_types_index: integer; case_number: integer; {sequential count of pops} broadcast_allowed: boolean; {true if broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles > 0} broadcast_cutoff_number: integer; {to get correct prob that an interaction is from a broadcast} broadcast_count: longint; {number of braodcasts} Last_X_Boundary: x_type; {for distances. =xmax-1 if flat_world=true, else =xmax} Last_Y_Boundary: x_type; {for distances. =ymax-1 if flat_world=true, else =ymax} map: integer; {2=second map used in this set, etc., goes 1 to mapmax} old_seed: integer; {for repitition of maps} map_seed: array[1..mapmax] of integer; {seeds to start maps} interaction_seed: array[1..popmax] of integer; {seeds to start interactions} map_x_offset: integer; {to displace maps horiztonally, one row for each initial map} map_y_offset: integer; {to displace maps vertically, one col for each pop type} origin_first_bit: distance_array_handle; {original site of first bit} Changes_This_Period: longint; {count of actual number of cultural changes this period} Zones: integer; {count of number of zones, ie domains separated by maximal cul boundary} cyclemax: longint; {number of cycles in a period, from cyclemax_float input constant} {wp: WindowPtr; } {pointer to my window for drawing, from Org25, discared in Org26} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function random_one_to_n (n: longint): longint; {proc returns a random number between 1 and n; modified from Bennett's random_range} var ub, lb: integer; r: integer; begin {random gives # betw -32768 and 32767} ub := 32767 - (32767 mod n); lb := -32768 - (-32768 mod n); {truncate distrib on 2 ends so that later mod is OK} repeat r := random; until (r <= ub) and (r >= lb); {make sure random genrated is in truncated (even) distrib} random_one_to_n := abs(r mod n) + 1; end; {random function} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function Random0or1: integer; { returns 0 or 1 with equal probability} begin if random < 0 then {random gives # betw -32768 and 32767} Random0or1 := 0 else Random0or1 := 1; end; {Random0or1 fcn} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function ipoisn (mean: real): integer; {returns a random integer from a Poisson distribution.} {The mean of the distribution is passed into the function. } { Adapted from S. Forrest, GA Program v3., 6/6/83, p8} { Lamda not inputted since always calculated in this fcn} var k: integer; {k term in Poisson disribution} cum, {current value of probability density fcn} term, {current value of prob distibu? fcn} lambda_term, {cacl to be exp(-mean)} tempnum: real; {random number beteween 0 and 1 from uniform distibution} begin if mean < 0 then write(' Error from ipoisn fcn, mean must be non-negative') else begin lambda_term := exp(-1 * mean); tempnum := (random + 32768) / 65635; {random gives # betw -32768 and 32767} {tempnum gives uniform between 0 and 1 } {Here, the cum density fcn for successive values of k is computed. When the cdf} {becomes greater than the random variable, tempnum, we quit. Since k must be} {non-negative and since prob(k=0) = lambda_term, k will start out at 0 with} {the other values initialized acordingly.} k := 0; term := lambda_term; cum := lambda_term; while (cum <= tempnum) and (term > 0.0000005) do {cutoff for high end of distribution} begin k := succ(k); term := (term * mean) / k; cum := cum + term; end;{cylce of cumulation} ipoisn := k; {return k as the random number} end; {else} {writeln('ipoisn test: mean, output k ', mean : 8 : 3, k : 3);} end; {ipoisn fcn} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure create_graphics_window; const size = 10; {font} var style: integer; wrect: rect; begin wrect.left := 0; := 40; wrect.right := 500; if h_offset + xmax_tops * w > 450 then wrect.right := h_offset + xmax_tops * w + 50; if Graph_distance then wrect.bottom := v_offset + (ymax_tops * w + 10) * popmax + 150 + periodmax else wrect.bottom := v_offset + (ymax_tops * w + 10) * popmax + 100; setdrawingrect(wrect); {discarded in Org25, restored in Org26} showdrawing; {following from Org25, dicarded inOrg26} {wp := NewWindow(nil, wrect, 'Map Window', true, 0, WindowPtr(-1), true, 0);} {setport(wp);} TextSize(size); getfnum('Courier', style); textfont(style); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure initialize_graphics_window; begin moveto(h_offset, 10); if test then drawstring(concat(' Ax Org Program, version ', stringof(version : 3 : 2))) else drawstring(concat(' Ax Org Program, version ', stringof(version : 3 : 2), ', Run', stringof(run_number : 4), '.')); moveto(h_offset, 20); drawstring(concat(' This run begun on ', stringof(initial_datetime.month : 2), '/', stringof( : 2), '/', stringof(initial_datetime.year : 4), ' at ', stringof(initial_datetime.hour : 2), ':', stringof(initial_datetime.minute : 2), '.')); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure frame_rectangle; {for outline of map} begin pensize(1, 1); penNormal; framerect(v_offset + 29 + pen_size + map_y_offset, h_offset - 1 + map_x_offset, ymax * w + v_offset + 31 + map_y_offset, xmax * w - pen_size + h_offset + 1 + map_x_offset); pensize(pen_size, pen_size); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure write_run_info; begin rewrite(final_output, 'Final_Output'); {open output of final file for writing to Excel} rewrite(region_output, 'Region_Output'); {open output of region data for writing to Excel} if WritePeriodicStats then rewrite(period_output, 'Period_Output '); {open output of period data} gettime(initial_datetime); initial_hour := initial_datetime.hour; {to force long int} start_time := 60 * 60 * initial_hour + 60 * initial_datetime.minute + initial_datetime.second; Writeln('Output of Axelrod''s Org Program, Version ', Version : 5 : 2); Write(' This run begun on ', initial_datetime.month : 2, '/', : 2); Writeln('/', initial_datetime.year : 4, ' at ', initial_datetime.hour : 2, ':', initial_datetime.minute : 2, '.'); Writeln(cyclemax : 5, ' cycles in each reporting period'); Writeln(periodmax : 5, ' maximum number of periods in each pop'); Writeln(mapmax : 5, ' number of maps'); Writeln(popmax : 5, ' number of pops for each map'); Writeln(broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles : 5, ' broadcast rate per 10,000 cycles'); Writeln(flat_map : 5, ' flat map. True means no wrap around, false means torus map'); { writeln(Interaction_Types : 5, ' interaction types . 4 means 4 neighbors , etc . See documentation . ');} Writeln(mutuation_rate_perpop_percycle : 7 : 3, ' mutation rate, per pop, per cycle'); Writeln(final_output, 'Output of Axelrod''s Org Program, Version ', Version : 5 : 2); Write(final_output, ' This run begun on ', initial_datetime.month : 2, '/', : 2); Writeln(final_output, '/', initial_datetime.year : 4, ' at ', initial_datetime.hour : 2, ':', initial_datetime.minute : 2, '.'); Writeln(final_output, cyclemax : 5, ' cycles in each reporting period'); Writeln(final_output, periodmax : 5, ' maximum number of periods in each pop'); Writeln(final_output, mapmax : 5, ' number of maps'); Writeln(final_output, popmax : 5, ' number of pops for each map'); Writeln(final_output, broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles : 5, ' broadcast rate per 10,000 cycles'); Writeln(final_output, flat_map : 5, ' flat map. True means no wrap around, false means torus map'); { writeln(Interaction_Types : 5, ' interaction types. 4 means 4 neighbors, etc. See documentation.');} Writeln(final_output, mutuation_rate_perpop_percycle : 7 : 3, ' mutation rate, per pop, per cycle'); Writeln(region_output, 'Region Output of Axelrod''s Org Program, Version ', Version : 5 : 2); Write(region_output, ' This run begun on ', initial_datetime.month : 2, '/', : 2); Writeln(region_output, '/', initial_datetime.year : 4, ' at ', initial_datetime.hour : 2, ':', initial_datetime.minute : 2, '.'); Writeln(period_output, 'Period Output of Axelrod''s Org Program, Version ', Version : 5 : 2); Write(period_output, ' This run begun on ', initial_datetime.month : 2, '/', : 2); Writeln(period_output, '/', initial_datetime.year : 4, ' at ', initial_datetime.hour : 2, ':', initial_datetime.minute : 2, '.'); if old_random_seed = 0 then begin {generate new seed} random_seed := initial_datetime.hour + initial_datetime.minute + initial_datetime.second + (initial_datetime.second * 300) + (initial_datetime.minute * initial_datetime.hour) + (initial_datetime.minute * initial_datetime.second); randseed := random_seed; Writeln(' New random seed ', randseed : 6, '.'); Writeln(final_output, ' Final Output.', ' New random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); Writeln(region_output, ' New random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); if WritePeriodicStats then Writeln(period_output, ' New random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); end else begin {use old seed, which was inputed as constant} randseed := old_random_seed; Writeln(' Old random seed ', randseed : 6, '.'); Writeln(final_output, ' Old random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); Writeln(region_output, ' Old random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); if WritePeriodicStats then Writeln(period_output, ' Old random seed', randseed : 8, '.'); end; if test then {run number} run_number := 0 else begin {not a test; read run #} reset(datafile, Run_Number_File_Name); readln(datafile, run_number); run_number := run_number + 1; close(datafile); rewrite(datafile, Run_Number_File_Name); writeln(datafile, run_number); writeln('Run number', run_number : 4, '.'); close(datafile); Writeln(final_output, 'Run number', run_number : 4, '.'); Writeln(region_output, 'Run number', run_number : 4, '.'); if WritePeriodicStats then Writeln(period_output, 'Run number', run_number : 4, '.'); end; {if for run number } end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure set_up_production_arrays; var itemp: integer; begin Xmax_value[1] := Xmax1; {assume square map, so Ymax set in main program} Xmax_value[2] := Xmax2; Xmax_value[3] := Xmax3; Xmax_value[4] := Xmax4; Xmax_value[5] := Xmax5; for itemp := 1 to N_xmax do begin {check enough space reserved for the map} if Xmax_tops < Xmax_value[itemp] then begin writeln('**** Halted because Xmax_tops not set big enough ****'); writeln(final_output, ' * * * * Halted because Xmax_tops not set big enough * * * * '); moveto(h_offset, 30); drawstring(' * * * * Halted because Xmax_tops not set big enough * * * * '); halt; end; end; Interaction_Types_value[1] := Interaction_types1; Interaction_Types_value[2] := Interaction_types2; Interaction_Types_value[3] := Interaction_types3; Interaction_Types_value[4] := Interaction_types4; Interaction_Types_value[5] := Interaction_types5; bitmax_value[1] := bitmax1; bitmax_value[2] := bitmax2; bitmax_value[3] := bitmax3; bitmax_value[4] := bitmax4; bitmax_value[5] := bitmax5; allelemax_value[1] := allelemax1; allelemax_value[2] := allelemax2; allelemax_value[3] := allelemax3; allelemax_value[4] := allelemax4; allelemax_value[5] := allelemax5; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure set_up_move_definitions; begin Xmove[1] := 0; {define North, in seeking neighbors} Ymove[1] := -1; Xmove[2] := 1; {define East} Ymove[2] := 0; Xmove[3] := -1; {define West} Ymove[3] := 0; Xmove[4] := 0; {define South} Ymove[4] := 1; Xmove[5] := 1; {define NE} Ymove[5] := -1; Xmove[6] := 1; {define SE} Ymove[6] := 1; Xmove[7] := -1; {define SW} Ymove[7] := 1; Xmove[8] := -1; {define NW} Ymove[8] := -1; Xmove[1 + 8] := 0; {define 2 North} Ymove[1 + 8] := -2; Xmove[2 + 8] := 2; {define 2 East} Ymove[2 + 8] := 0; Xmove[3 + 8] := -2; {define 2 West} Ymove[3 + 8] := 0; Xmove[4 + 8] := 0; {define 2 South} Ymove[4 + 8] := 2; Xmove[1 + 12] := 0; {repeat for directions 13-16: repeat North} Ymove[1 + 12] := -1; Xmove[2 + 12] := 1; {repeat East} Ymove[2 + 12] := 0; Xmove[3 + 12] := -1; {repeat West} Ymove[3 + 12] := 0; Xmove[4 + 12] := 0; {repeat South} Ymove[4 + 12] := 1; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Initialize_run; var temp: integer; {for tab index} begin cyclemax := round(cyclemax_float); culture := Culture_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(Culture_Array))); done := done_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(done_Array))); r_dis := distance_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(distance_Array))); d_dis := distance_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(distance_Array))); X_region := location_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(location_Array))); Y_region := location_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(location_Array))); origin_first_bit := distance_Array_Handle(NewHandle(sizeof(distance_Array))); if broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles > 0 then begin broadcast_count := 0; broadcast_allowed := true; {next line: to compare to -32768 to 32767} broadcast_cutoff_number := round((broadcast_rate_per_10000_cycles / 10000.0) * 65536.0 - 32768.0); {writeln('broadcast_cutoff_number', broadcast_cutoff_number : 6); } end; write_run_info; {write run parameters to files} write('Case '); if mapmax <> 1 then {repeating the same map} Write('Map '); writeln('Pop Xmax Neigh String Alleles Clear Period Xmax Regions tot dis # zero dis'); write(final_output, 'Case '); if mapmax <> 1 then Write(final_output, 'Map '); writeln(final_output, 'Pop Xmax Neigh String Alleles Clear Period Xmax Regions tot dis # zero dis'); if WriteRegionStatsAtEnd = true then writeln(region_output, 'Case Map Pop Region X Y Size Cul....then Distance to prev region'); if graphics then begin create_graphics_window; initialize_graphics_window end; if WritePeriodicStats then begin writeln(period_output, 'case map pop period cycle dist #0 dist regions changes zones'); end; set_up_production_arrays; if Interaction_Types_Tops > 16 then begin writeln('*** Error in setting contant: Interaction_Types_Tops > 16. Program halted. ***'); halt; end; set_up_move_definitions; end; {initialize run procedure} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure write_graphics_report; begin frame_rectangle; {to restore outer edge} forecolor(whitecolor); {update text at bottom} paintrect(10 + v_offset, h_offset, 30 + v_offset, 180 + h_offset); forecolor(blackcolor); moveto(h_offset, 18 + v_offset); drawstring(concat('Period =', stringof(period : 5))); if cyclemax <> 1000 then drawstring(concat(' (Each period is', stringof(cyclemax : 8), ' cycles.)')); if Graph_distance then begin moveto(h_offset, w * ymax_tops + 30 + v_offset); drawstring(concat('Sum of distances =', stringof(bit_distance_sum : 4))); moveto(h_offset, w * ymax_tops + 50 + v_offset + period); penNormal; line(bit_distance_sum, 0); {draw horizontal line} pensize(pen_size, pen_size); {restore size of pen} end; {graph cultural distance} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Initialize_pop; var x, y: integer; {local variable for coord of an individual} bit: integer; {local variable for number of gene on the cultrual chormosome} begin if TextGridReport then writeln('Pop ', pop : 3, ':'); NoMatchPopCount := 0; {count of times no match is found} for x := 1 to xmax do begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin for bit := 1 to bitmax do begin {initial culture for internal places} culture^^[x, y, bit] := Random_one_to_n(allelemax) - 1; {0..allelemax-1, sarting org13} end; origin_first_bit^^[x, y] := Xmax * (y - 1) + x - 1; {record origin of the first bit, 00 to 99 for 10x10 map} end; end; {x loop} if stack_map then begin map_x_offset := 0; {draw maps on top of each other} map_y_offset := 0 end else begin {write maps in rows for same initial conditions} map_x_offset := (w * xmax + 10) * (pop - 1); map_y_offset := (w * ymax + 10) * (map - 1); end; end; {initialize_pop procedure} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Initialize_period; begin Changes_This_Period := 0; {count of number of actual cultural changes in this period} end; {initialize_period procedure} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure report_change_test1; {from interact procedure. reports first 5 bits.} begin writeln('report_converge_test1.match=', match : 2, ' ix=', ix : 3, '. iy=', iy : 3, ' ini cul = ', culture^^[ix, iy, 1] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 2] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 3] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 4] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 5] : 1); {writeln('report_converge_test1. jx=', jx : 3, '. jy=', jy : 3, ' init cul = ', culture^^[jx, jy, 1] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 2] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 3] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 4] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 5] : 1);} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure report_change_test2; {from interact procedure} begin writeln('report_change_test2. ix=', ix : 3, '. iy=', iy : 3, 'js new bit=', bit : 2, '. new cul = ', culture^^[ix, iy, 1] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 2] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 3] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 4] : 1, culture^^[ix, iy, 5] : 1); { writeln('report_change_test2. jx=', jx : 3, '. jy=', jy : 3, 'js new bit=', bit : 2, '. new cul = ', culture^^[jx, jy, 1] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 2] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 3] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 4] : 1, culture^^[jx, jy, 5] : 1);} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure change_if_possible_toward_neigh; {i converges one bit to j if possible} var try_another_bit: boolean; {control on whether still searching for another bit that differs} bit_count: integer; {count so as to give up when all bit tried, ie x=y} bit_try: integer; {bit being tried looking for dissimilarity} begin { report_change_test1;} bit_try := random_one_to_n(bitmax); {initial bit location tried} try_another_bit := true; bit_count := 1; repeat if culture^^[ix, iy, bit_try] <> culture^^[jx, jy, bit_try] then begin culture^^[ix, iy, bit_try] := culture^^[jx, jy, bit_try]; {i converges since unequal on current bit} try_another_bit := false; { done with search } Changes_This_Period := Changes_This_Period + 1; {to count actual number of changes, cf interact from broadcast} if bit_try = 1 then {update where the first bit came from} origin_first_bit^^[ix, iy] := origin_first_bit^^[jx, jy]; end else begin bit_count := bit_count + 1; bit_try := (bit_try + 1) mod bitmax + 1; if bit_count > bitmax then {give up because just tried all bits} try_another_bit := false; end; until try_another_bit = false; { report_change_test2;} end;{interact procedure} {------------------------------------------------------------} procedure interact_from_neighbor; begin repeat {get an internal direction} direction := random_one_to_n(Interaction_Types); {select location for interaction} if flat_map then begin jx := ix + xmove[direction]; {cacl coords of selected neighbor, j} jy := iy + ymove[direction] end else {torus map} begin {note: have to add Xmax or Ymax to be sure to get positive number} jx := (ix + xmove[direction] - 1 + Xmax) mod xmax + 1; {cacl coords of selected neighbor, j} jy := (iy + ymove[direction] - 1 + Ymax) mod ymax + 1; end; until ((flat_map = false) or ((jx > 0) and (jx < XMaxPlus1) and (jy > 0) and (jy < YMaxPlus1))); {other is in legal area} match := (culture^^[ix, iy, bit] = culture^^[jx, jy, bit]); {match is true or false} {writeln('test3. match=', match : 3, ' iy=', iy : 4, '. y direction = ', direction : 4, ' . ymove = ', ymove[direction] : 4);} if match then {if the chosen bit of the selected neighbor matches then interact } change_if_possible_toward_neigh {ie do only one interaction, as in Org 06} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure change_if_possible_toward_broadcast; {i converges one bit to j if possible} var try_another_bit: boolean; {control on whether still searching for another bit that differs} bit_count: integer; {count so as to give up when all bit tried, ie x=y} bit_try: integer; {bit being tried looking for dissimilarity} begin {report_change_test1;} bit_try := random_one_to_n(bitmax); {initial bit location tried} try_another_bit := true; bit_count := 1; repeat if culture^^[ix, iy, bit_try] <> 0 then begin culture^^[ix, iy, bit_try] := 0; {i converges since unequal on current bit} Changes_This_Period := Changes_This_Period + 1; {to count actual number of changes, cf change to neighbor} try_another_bit := false; { done with search } end else begin bit_count := bit_count + 1; bit_try := (bit_try + 1) mod bitmax + 1; if bit_count > bitmax then {give up because just tried all bits} try_another_bit := false; end; until try_another_bit = false; {report_change_test2;} end;{interact procedure} {------------------------------------------------------------} procedure interact_from_broadcast; begin {broadcast_count := broadcast_count + 1; } match := culture^^[ix, iy, bit] = 0; {match is true or false} {writeln('test3. match=', match : 3, ' iy=', iy : 4, '. y direction = ', direction : 4, ' . ymove = ', ymove[direction] : 4);} if match then {if the chosen bit of the selected neighbor matches then interact } change_if_possible_toward_broadcast {ie do only one interaction, as in Org 06} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure mutate; {mutate for drift} var num_mutations: integer; {number of mutations to perform this cycle} mut: integer; {index of mutations} old_allele, new_allele: integer; begin num_mutations := ipoisn(mutuation_rate_perpop_percycle); {calc number of mutations} {writeln(num_mutations : 3, ' n muts'); } {test} for mut := 1 to num_mutations do {each mutation} begin ix := random_one_to_n(xmax); iy := random_one_to_n(ymax); bit := random_one_to_n(bitmax); Old_allele := culture^^[ix, iy, bit]; {mutate to a DIFFERENT value 1...allelemax} New_allele := random_one_to_n(allelemax - 1) - 1; {allele-1 corrected ver 1.5; should have been ver 1.3} if new_allele = old_allele then new_allele := allelemax; { if initially no change, use this for maxallele} culture^^[ix, iy, bit] := new_allele; end;{mutations loop} end;{mutate procedure} { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure report_output_period_test; {from output_period procedure} var {reports first five bits of culture} xtemp, ytemp: integer; begin for ytemp := 1 to ymax do begin write(' y=', ytemp : 3, '. Cul(1..5)='); for xtemp := 1 to xmax do begin write(culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, 1] : 3, culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, 2] : 1, culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, 3] : 1, culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, 4] : 1, culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, 5] : 1); end;{ixtemp} writeln; end; {iytemp} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure set_pen_pat (bit_distance: integer); begin if bit_distance = 0 then penpat(white) else if bit_distance = 1 then penpat(ltgray) else if bit_distance = 2 then penpat(gray) else if bit_distance = 3 then penpat(dkgray) else penpat(black); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure draw_right_boundary (xtemp: integer; ytemp: integer); var bit_distance: integer; begin bit_distance := r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp]; set_pen_pat(bit_distance); move(0, pen_size); line(0, w - 2 * pen_size); move(w, -w + pen_size); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure draw_bottom_boundary (xtemp: integer; ytemp: integer); var bit_distance: integer; begin bit_distance := d_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp]; set_pen_pat(bit_distance); line(w - 2 * pen_size, 0); if xtemp <= Last_X_Boundary then {draw intersection} begin {find max distance around interection} if (r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp] > bit_distance) then bit_distance := r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp]; if (d_dis^^[xtemp + 1, ytemp] > bit_distance) then bit_distance := d_dis^^[xtemp + 1, ytemp]; if (r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp + 1] > bit_distance) then bit_distance := r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp + 1]; set_pen_pat(bit_distance); move(pen_size, 0); line(0, 0); {to draw intersection} move(pen_size, 0); end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure draw_distance_graph; var xtemp, ytemp: integer; {geo loc} begin moveto(h_offset, 10); {10 is space needed for header on drawing window} for ytemp := 1 to ymax do begin moveto(w + h_offset - pen_size + map_x_offset, w * (ytemp - 1) + v_offset + map_y_offset + 30); for xtemp := 1 to Last_X_Boundary do begin draw_right_boundary(xtemp, ytemp); end;{xtemp} moveto(h_offset + map_x_offset, (w) * ytemp + v_offset + map_y_offset + 30); if (ytemp <= Last_Y_Boundary) then begin for xtemp := 1 to xmax do {write row for distances down, only if not last row} draw_bottom_boundary(xtemp, ytemp); {including intersection} end; {if not last row} end; {ytemp} write_graphics_report; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure CalcDistance; {cultural distances with output} type row_array = array[1..xmax_tops] of integer; {for output of distances} var xtemp, ytemp: integer; {geo loc} itemp: integer; {bit position} X_distance: row_array; {cultural distance between (x,y) to (x+1,y), ie to right } Y_distance: row_array; {cultural distance between (x,y) to (x,y+1), ie down } begin bit_distance_sum := 0; {initialize sum of bit distances to neighbors (over current cycle)} n_zero_distance := 0; {initialize num of boundaries with zero bit distance} for ytemp := 1 to ymax do begin for xtemp := 1 to xmax do begin X_distance[xtemp] := 0; {calcs will be for one row at a time} Y_distance[xtemp] := 0; for itemp := 1 to bitmax do begin {increment distance on x axis, then y axis} if flat_map then {flat map} begin if xtemp <= Last_X_Boundary then {to avoid going off right side, unless torus} if culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, itemp] <> culture^^[xtemp + 1, ytemp, itemp] then X_distance[xtemp] := X_distance[xtemp] + 1; if (ytemp <= Last_Y_Boundary) then {only do down calcs if not last row} begin if (culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, itemp] <> culture^^[xtemp, ytemp + 1, itemp]) then Y_distance[xtemp] := Y_distance[xtemp] + 1 end; {if not last row} end else {torus} begin {note its xtemp, not xtemp+1 now in next line} if culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, itemp] <> culture^^[(xtemp) mod xmax + 1, ytemp, itemp] then X_distance[xtemp] := X_distance[xtemp] + 1; if (culture^^[xtemp, ytemp, itemp] <> culture^^[xtemp, (ytemp) mod ymax + 1, itemp]) then Y_distance[xtemp] := Y_distance[xtemp] + 1 end; end; {itemp loop for culture bits} bit_distance_sum := bit_distance_sum + X_distance[xtemp] + Y_distance[xtemp]; {sum of bit dists at end of periods} r_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp] := X_distance[xtemp]; d_dis^^[xtemp, ytemp] := Y_distance[xtemp]; if (X_distance[xtemp] = 0) and (xtemp <= Last_X_Boundary) then n_zero_distance := n_zero_distance + 1; if (Y_distance[xtemp] = 0) and (ytemp <= Last_Y_Boundary) then n_zero_distance := n_zero_distance + 1; end; {xtemp loop for calc distances} if TextGridReport then write('y= ', ytemp : 3, '. Dis across: '); for xtemp := 1 to Last_X_Boundary do begin {write row for across distances} if TextGridReport then write(' ', X_distance[xtemp] : 3); end; {xtemp for writing row for across distances} if TextGridReport then writeln; if (ytemp <= Last_Y_Boundary) then if TextGridReport then write('y= ', ytemp : 3, '. Dis down: '); if (ytemp <= Last_Y_Boundary) then begin for xtemp := 1 to xmax do begin {write row for distances down} if TextGridReport then write(' ', Y_distance[xtemp] : 3); end; {xtemp for writing row for distances down} if TextGridReport then writeln; end; {if not last row} end; {ytemp loop} if TextGridReport then writeln; if graphics then draw_distance_graph; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function dis (x: x_type; y: y_type; direction: direction_type): integer; {returns bit distance in a direction} var xnew, ynew: integer; {to calc wrap-around} begin {used in Visit} if flat_map then begin if direction = 1 then {dir=North} dis := d_dis^^[x, y - 1]; if direction = 2 then {dir = E} dis := r_dis^^[x, y]; if direction = 3 then {dir = W} dis := r_dis^^[x - 1, y]; if direction = 4 then {dir = S} dis := d_dis^^[x, y]; end else {torus. Compare to flat map method above} begin if direction = 1 then {dir=North} begin if y = 1 then ynew := ymax else ynew := y - 1; dis := d_dis^^[x, ynew]; end; if direction = 2 then {dir = E} dis := r_dis^^[x, y]; if direction = 3 then {dir = W} begin if x = 1 then xnew := xmax else xnew := x - 1; dis := r_dis^^[xnew, y]; {writeln(Region_Output, 'Test333. x = ', x : 2, '. y = ', y : 2, ' ix = ', ix : 2, ' . iy = ', iy : 2, ' . jx = ', jx : 2, ' . jy = ', jy : 2, ' . cult = ', culture^^[jx, jy, 1], culture^^[jx, jy, 2]);} end; if direction = 4 then {dir = S} dis := d_dis^^[x, y]; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Visit (x: x_type; y: y_type; critical_dist: integer); {from Analyze_regions} var xq: array[1..10000] of x_type; {space is no bigger than 100x100} yq: array[1..10000] of y_type; direction: direction_type; checkA: boolean; begin region_size := 0; iq := iq + 1; {add node to ready queue} xq[iq] := x; yq[iq] := y; while iq > 0 do {while ready queue not empty...} begin ix := xq[iq]; {get node from end of ready queue} iy := yq[iq]; iq := iq - 1; for direction := 1 to 4 do {add to ready queue the neighobrs who are legal, not done, and 0 dist } begin jx := ix + xmove[direction]; {cacl coords of selected neighbor, j} jy := iy + ymove[direction]; if not flat_map then {correct for torus} begin if jx > xmax then {ok because movement here is only one site} jx := 1; if jx = 0 then jx := xmax; if jy > ymax then jy := 1; if jy = 0 then jy := ymax; end; {write('Test222. ix=', ix : 3, '. iy=', iy : 3, '. jx=', jx : 3, '. jy= ', jy : 3, '. cult=', culture^^[jx, jy, 1], culture^^[jx, jy, 2]);} {writeln(' done^^[jx,jy ] ', done^^[jx, jy]);} if (flat_map and (culture^^[jx, jy, 1] <> -1)) then checkA := true else checkA := false; {writeln(' test 555 ', checkA, flat_map, not flat_map, flat_map = false, checkA or not flat_map, (checkA or (flat_map = false)));} if ((checkA or not flat_map) and (not done^^[jx, jy])) then begin if dis(ix, iy, direction) <= critical_dist then {crit distance = 0 for region, bitmax-1 for zone} begin iq := iq + 1; {add this valid neighbor to ready queue} xq[iq] := jx; yq[iq] := jy; done^^[jx, jy] := true; {change its status to done} region_size := region_size + 1; {writeln('test 11/21. jx, jy, culture^^[jx, jy, 1]', jx, jy, culture^^[jx, jy, 1]);} end; {if dis< min} end;{if legal and not done} end;{direction} end; {while iq>0} if region_size = 0 then region_size := 1; {needed for 1x1 regions which have no valid neighbors} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Ck_Equal_Cultures; {from Analyze Regions} var x, x2: x_type; {} y, y2: y_type; bit: integer; {local index of cultural bit} r, r2: integer; {local indices of regions} cultures_same: boolean; {two regions have same culture} begin for r := 1 to regions do begin x := x_region^^[r]; y := y_region^^[r]; for r2 := 1 to r - 1 do begin x2 := x_region^^[r2]; y2 := y_region^^[r2]; bit := 0; cultures_same := true; repeat begin bit := bit + 1; if culture^^[x, y, bit] <> culture^^[x2, y2, bit] then cultures_same := false; end; until (not cultures_same) or (bit = bitmax); if cultures_same then {writeln('Culture of (', x : 2, y : 2, ')=Culture of (', x2 : 2, y2 : 2, ').'); } end; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Report_Per_Region (x: x_type; y: y_type); {from Analyze_Regions} var r2: integer; {regional count} x2: x_type; y2: y_type; culture_dis: integer; bit_temp: bit_type; begin write('R ', regions : 3, ' (', x : 2, ',', y : 2, '). Sz =', region_size : 3); write('. Cul= '); for bit_temp := 1 to bitmax do begin write(culture^^[x, y, bit_temp] : 2); end; write('. D to prev regs = '); for r2 := 1 to regions - 1 do begin x2 := x_region^^[r2]; y2 := y_region^^[r2]; culture_dis := 0; for bit_temp := 1 to bitmax do begin if culture^^[x, y, bit_temp] <> culture^^[x2, y2, bit_temp] then culture_dis := culture_dis + 1; end; write(culture_dis : 3); end;{r} writeln; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function Map_Clear: boolean; {are all boundaries 0 or bitmax?} {not used starting Org 14} var boundaries, distance_if_clear: longint; begin boundaries := (Last_X_Boundary) * ymax + xmax * (Last_Y_Boundary); {# boundaries down and across} distance_if_clear := bitmax * (boundaries - n_zero_distance); if distance_if_clear = bit_distance_sum then map_clear := true else map_clear := false; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } function Neighbor_Clear: boolean; {are all neighobrs 0 or bitmax?} var {added at Org14} ix, iy, jx, jy, direction, bit: integer; {temp local variables} match_count: integer; label 1; begin neighbor_clear := true; {assume all neighbors are 0 or bitmax from all sites} for ix := 1 to Xmax do begin for iy := 1 to Ymax do begin for direction := 1 to Interaction_Types do begin if flat_map then begin jx := ix + xmove[direction]; {cacl coords of selected neighbor, j} jy := iy + ymove[direction] end else {torus map} begin {note: have to add Xmax or Ymax to be sure to get positive number} jx := (ix + xmove[direction] - 1 + Xmax) mod xmax + 1; {cacl coords of selected neighbor, j} jy := (iy + ymove[direction] - 1 + Ymax) mod ymax + 1; end; if ((flat_map = false) or ((jx > 0) and (jx < XMaxPlus1) and (jy > 0) and (jy < YMaxPlus1))) then begin {legal neighbor. Note any neigh is legal if flat_map= false } match_count := 0; for bit := 1 to bitmax do begin if (culture^^[ix, iy, bit] = culture^^[jx, jy, bit]) then match_count := match_count + 1; end; {bit} if (match_count > 0) and (match_count < bitmax) then begin neighbor_clear := false; goto 1; {leave if a neighbor is not clear} end; end; {legal neighbor} end;{neighbor} end; {it} end; {ix} 1: {go here here if a neighbor is not clear} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Report_Final_Region (x: x_type; y: y_type); {from Analyze_Regions} var {done if (WriteRegionStatsAtEnd) and (neighbor_clear = true)} r2: integer; {regional count} x2: x_type; y2: y_type; culture_dis: integer; bit_temp: bit_type; begin write(region_output, case_number : 3, ' ', map : 3, ' ', pop : 3); write(region_output, ' ', regions : 3, ' ', x : 2, ' ', y : 2, ' ', region_size : 3); for bit_temp := 1 to bitmax do begin write(region_output, ' ', culture^^[x, y, bit_temp] : 2); end; for r2 := 1 to regions - 1 do begin x2 := x_region^^[r2]; y2 := y_region^^[r2]; culture_dis := 0; for bit_temp := 1 to bitmax do begin if culture^^[x, y, bit_temp] <> culture^^[x2, y2, bit_temp] then culture_dis := culture_dis + 1; end; write(region_output, ' ', culture_dis : 3); end;{r} writeln(region_output); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Analyze_regions; {count number of regions, and types} var {based on breadth first search.See Stubbs and Webre, Data Structures, 359ff} x: x_type; y: y_type; begin regions := 0; iq := 0; {initialize ready queue} for x := 1 to xmax do begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin done^^[x, y] := false; end; end; {end initialization} for x := 1 to xmax do {for each node...} begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin if not done^^[x, y] then {if not done then record it and visit it} begin regions := regions + 1; {count regions} Visit(x, y, 0); {0 is min distance allowed for regions} if WriteRegionStats then Report_Per_Region(x, y); if (WriteRegionStatsAtEnd) and (neighbor_clear = true) then Report_Final_Region(x, y); x_region^^[regions] := x; {add loc to list of regions} y_region^^[regions] := y; end; end; end; {for each node} Ck_Equal_Cultures; {writeln('Period ', period : 4, '. Number of regions = ', regions : 4);} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Analyze_zones; {count number of zones, and types. mod. from Analyze regions} var {based on breadth first search.See Stubbs and Webre, Data Structures, 359ff} x: x_type; y: y_type; max_distance: integer; begin zones := 0; iq := 0; {initialize ready queue} max_distance := bitmax - 1; {a zone may have any distance, except maxmal} for x := 1 to xmax do begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin done^^[x, y] := false; end; end; {end initialization} for x := 1 to xmax do {for each node...} begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin if not done^^[x, y] then {if not done then record it and visit it} begin zones := zones + 1; {count regions} Visit(x, y, max_distance); {0 is min distance allowed for regions} x_region^^[regions] := x; {add loc to list of regions} y_region^^[regions] := y; end; end; end; {for each node} Ck_Equal_Cultures; {writeln('Period ', period : 4, '. Number of regions = ', regions : 4);} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Output_period; {output for a single period} var total_cycles: longint; begin if TextGridReport then report_output_period_test; {test output for this perod} CalcDistance; {Calc distance between neighbors} Analyze_regions; {Analyze number of regions, and their cultures} if WritePeriodicStats then begin Analyze_zones; {Analyze number of zones - ie totally incompatible domains} total_cycles := period * cyclemax; Write(period_output, case_number : 5, ' ', map : 5, ' ', pop : 5, ' ', period : 5, ' ', total_cycles : 8); Write(period_output, ' ', bit_distance_sum : 5, ' ', n_zero_distance : 5, ' ', regions : 3, ' ', changes_this_period : 5); Writeln(period_output, ' ', zones : 3); end; if button then begin writeln('**** Halted by user ****'); writeln(final_output, '**** Halted by user ****'); halt; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Output_pop; {output for a single population} var x, y: integer; begin {write('End of Pop ', pop : 3, '. Per ', period : 3, ' . Map_Clear =', Map_Clear : 2, '. ', regions : 3, ' regions. ');} {writeln(bit_distance_sum : 4, ' total dis. ', n_zero_distance : 4, ' # zero dis.');} write(Case_Number : 4); if mapmax > 1 then write(' ', map : 3); write(' ', pop : 5, ' ', Xmax : 4, ' ', Interaction_types : 4, ' ', bitmax : 4, ' ', allelemax : 4, ' '); write(Map_Clear : 5, ' ', period : 6, ' ', Xmax : 4, ' ', regions, ' '); writeln(bit_distance_sum : 8, ' ', n_zero_distance : 4); write(final_output, Case_Number : 4); if mapmax > 1 then write(final_output, ' ', map : 3); write(final_output, ' ', pop : 5, ' ', Xmax : 4, ' ', Interaction_types : 4, ' ', bitmax : 4, ' ', allelemax : 4, ' '); write(final_output, Map_Clear : 5, ' ', period : 6, ' ', Xmax : 4, ' ', regions, ' '); writeln(final_output, bit_distance_sum : 8, ' ', n_zero_distance : 4); if report_bit_origin then {report first bit's origin} begin for y := 1 to ymax do begin write('Origin of first bit, y= ', y : 3, '. '); for x := 1 to xmax do begin write(origin_first_bit^^[x, y] : 5); end; {x} writeln; end;{y} end; {report_bit_origin} { Write('TEST: String Length = ', bitmax : 3, '. Alleles=', allelemax : 3); } { Write('. Prob diff=(1-1/A)**L=', exp(bitmax * ln(1 - 1 / allelemax)) : 10 : 4);} { Writeln('. Reciprocal =', 1 / exp(bitmax * ln(1 - 1 / allelemax)) : 10 : 4); } { writeln(' Test . Pop ', pop : 3, ' . Culture [ 011 ] = ', culture^^[0, 1, 1] : 2, ' . Culture [ 341 ] = ', culture^^[3, 4, 1] : 2);} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure initialize_edge_of_map; {enter -1 just beyond edges; for regional analysis} var x, y, bit: integer; begin for x := 1 to xmax do {initialize ind's beyond the internal borders. Never changes.} begin for bit := 1 to bitmax do begin culture^^[x, 0, bit] := -1; {initial culture for beyond top internal border} culture^^[x, ymax + 1, bit] := -1; {initial culture for beyond bottom internal } end; end; {x} for y := 1 to ymax do {initialize indiv's beyond the internal borders. Never changes.} begin for bit := 1 to bitmax do begin culture^^[0, y, bit] := -1; {initial culture for beyond left internal border} culture^^[Xmax + 1, y, bit] := -1; {initial for beyond right internal border} end; end;{y} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Output_Run; {Output for run - last thing written} begin gettime(end_datetime); end_hour := end_datetime.hour; {to force long interger} end_time := 60 * 60 * end_hour + 60 * end_datetime.minute + end_datetime.second; duration := end_time - start_time; Writeln('Duration of this run is ', duration : 5, ' seconds.'); Writeln(final_output, 'Duration of this run is ', duration : 5, ' seconds.'); {Writeln('Broadcast count=', broadcast_count : 4); } end; { --------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure Cycle_Loop; {Assume Mthod B: do only one interaction when there is match} var { Allow broadcasting} cycle: longint; {current cycle (ie active indiv), 1..cyclemax} begin for cycle := 1 to cyclemax do {CYCLE of one active actor} begin ix := Random_one_to_n(Xmax); {select X coord of active actor} iy := Random_one_to_n(Ymax); {select Y coord of active actor} bit := random_one_to_n(bitmax); {bit to be checked for match} if broadcast_allowed then {do broadcast interaction} if random < broadcast_cutoff_number then interact_from_broadcast else interact_from_neighbor {braodcast allowed, but didn't happen this time} else {do interaction with neighbor} interact_from_neighbor; {broadcast not allowed} if mutuation_rate_perpop_percycle > 0.0 then mutate; {mutate culture bits for drift} end; { cycle of one active } end; {- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } { --------------------------------------------------------------- } {M A I N P R O G R A M } begin initialize_run; {initialize whole run} case_number := 0; {sequential count of pops} for Xmax_index := 1 to N_Xmax do begin Xmax := Xmax_value[Xmax_index]; Ymax := Xmax; {assume square map} XmaxPlus1 := Xmax + 1; YmaxPlus1 := Ymax + 1; XmaxYmax := Xmax * Ymax; if flat_map then begin Last_X_Boundary := Xmax - 1; {flat map} Last_Y_Boundary := Ymax - 1; end else begin Last_X_Boundary := Xmax; {torus} Last_Y_Boundary := Ymax; end; if graphics then frame_rectangle; for interaction_types_index := 1 to N_interaction_types do begin interaction_types := interaction_types_value[interaction_types_index]; for bitmax_index := 1 to N_bitmax do begin bitmax := bitmax_value[bitmax_index]; initialize_edge_of_map; for allelemax_index := 1 to N_allelemax do begin allelemax := allelemax_value[allelemax_index]; for map := 1 to mapmax do {generate map starts} map_seed[map] := random; for pop := 1 to popmax do {generate interaction starts} interaction_seed[pop] := random; for map := 1 to mapmax do {do a map} begin for pop := 1 to popmax do {do a pop with current map} begin randseed := map_seed[map]; {writeln('Map Repeat Test: randseed for this map=', randseed : 8);} Initialize_pop; {INITIALIZE current population} randseed := interaction_seed[pop]; {to start interactions} {writeln('Interaction Repeat Test: randseed to start interactions=', randseed : 8);} case_number := case_number + 1; {sequential count of pops's} period := 0; repeat {REPORTING PERIOD } begin period := period + 1; Initialize_Period; Cycle_Loop; Output_Period; {output of a period, incl regional analysis} end;{period} {until (period = periodmax) or (neighbor_clear = true); } until (period = periodmax); {changed from prev line 10/30/96 for mutation} {end pop at periodmax or neighbors are all 0 or bitmax} Output_Pop; {output of the population} end; {pop} end; {map} end; {bitmax_index} end;{allelemax_index} end;{interaction_type_index} end; {Xmax_index} Output_Run; {output of the run} end.{main program}
University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Revised December 20, 1996.