This map is from, which offers detailed maps and information for each European country.

Gabriel is the World Wide Web server for Europe's National Libraries represented in the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL).  This site includes a page that is a gateway to the National Libraries of Europe, arranged by country.

UNESCO Portal to the national libraries of Europe.

KVK: Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (page in English) can search several European libraries in one search.

The University of Virginia maitains a page with links to Western European Library Catalogs.

The site for Die Deutsche Bibliothek has a page with links to some major European combined OPACS.

The purpose of (CERL ( The Consortium of European Research Libraries ) is "to share resources and expertise between research libraries with a view to improving access to, as well as exploitation and preservation of, the European printed heritage.  The organisation's primary objective is to record all books printed in Europe during the hand-press period, i.e. before c.1830, in a machine-readable database."  The Hand Press Book database or HPB database is a result of this project.  This database can be searched on RLIN (sel fil hpb)

A very helpful article by Anke Baumgartner explores European Document Delivery Suppliers and Resources on the World Wide Web.  This was published in December, 2000 as an article on  It concentrates primarily on German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Spanish suppliers on the web.

To find listings of libraries for a specific country, use the links from the Repositories World Wide page.

See the page on translations for information on how to get web pages translated.


  • Nordic : Nordic Libraries: Information Servers A service from NetLab, Lund Univ. Library.  This list of links includes all types of libraries in Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, and on University and college libraries and Governmental and special libraries in Finland and Norway; includes also links for Estonia, Latvia and Lituania.

    From the ILLListServe:
    "Nordic ILL Facts 2001" published by the Nordic Federation of Research
    Libraries Associations is now available. This fifth edition supplies
    information on addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, Ariel numbers, lending policies and charges of approx. 200 academic and research libraries in the Nordic countries.
    No ILL librarian who needs information on libraries in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden should be without it!

    Order your copy from:
    The NVBF Secretariat
    c/o The National Library of Education
    PO Box 840
    DK-2400 Copenhagen NV
    Fax: +45 39 66 00 82

    Price: DKK 250,- (US$ 30,-) plus shipping and handling.

Please remember to e-mail me with additional information or link problems.

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