UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS: We have the READEX set of UN Documents and publications and use that for most documents. Use the Law Library home page to link to AccessUN for an eletronic index to this set, 1961- (From UMich network only).
The U of Mich Grad Library Documents Center is a UN Depository and has a great deal of information on other international organizations on their website. In general, if we do not have it on our READEX set, the first step is to check and see if the Grad Docs Center has it. They get mimeo docs as well as the Readex set, so have a more comprehensive collection.
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library is a possible source of an otherwise unobtainable UN document, although they generally decline to lend material published within the current year. Click on Services, then ILL. This site also maintains a listing of depository libraries.
UN Documents on Demand probably will not have documents that we do not own on campus, but it might be worth a try.
Official WEB Site Locator for the UNITED NATIONS System of Organizations:
International Organizations not part of the UN System