This map is from, which offers detailed maps and information for each South American country. From: Minutes of the First StandingCommittee Meeting Section on
Document Delivery and Interlending Jerusalem, Saturday August 12, 2000:"UAP seminars continue to be given, the most recent in Argentina in Sept. 1999...In response to a question about the ILL/DD infrastructure in South America, Graham [Cornish] noted that librarians are keen to be active, but the mechanics are patchy. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile all have good national systems, but when they need international materials, they send requests to Spain and Portugal. The Colonial ties are stronger than we might think. Peru has a well-developed on-site reciprocal usage as a way of compensating for a postal system prone to theft."
A list of Libraries & Archives in Latin America is on the Latin American Network Information Center website.
The University of Idaho's list of Repositiories of Primary Sources has a section titled Latin America and the Caribbean.
Latin Americanist Research Resources Project.
LAPTOC (Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents) is a searchable, online databasetable of the tables of contents of offered as part of Association of Research Libraries. The 44 participating libraries agree to make photocopies of the articles available on interlibrary loan. Most of the libraries are in the United States, but as of 1999 there are two Latin American Libraries participating.