Bird math

Northern Cardinal = 1 / Southern Cardinal

Three-toed Woodpecker = -1

Ivory-billed Woodpecker = 0

| Eastern Meadowlark | = | Western Meadowlark |

(White Ibis + Scarlet Ibis) / 2 = Pink Ibis

Greater Yellowlegs = Lesser Yellowlegs + 4

Cooper's Hawk i > Sharp-shinned Hawk i   for all i

| Western Screech-Owl | = | Eastern Screech-Owl | ± eps

min(Pinyon Jay,Juniper Titmouse,Mountain Bluebird) > 4000

Brewster's Warbler = (Blue-winged Warbler + Golden-winged Warbler) / 2

European Starling = #@%*!

(empidonax) i pi = - mpidonax   for   mdonax = 1/pi

-- by Bruce Bowman, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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