Good bird names preferably include the name of some part of the bird.
Pencil-necked Geek
Brown-nosed Patronizer
Eagle-eyed Auditor
Blue-haired Pinocle
Harpy Supervisor
Three-toed Woodcutter
Ruffled Spouse
Least Aware
-- from Garrett Albright, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Great Blue Herring
-- from Susan Falcone, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Work-eating Warbler
-- from Al Brushaber, Saline, Michigan
Northern Nagging-Wife Ruffed Spouse
-- from Name Withheld, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Old Coot
Dirty Turncoat
Hard-to Swallow
Double-edged Swordbill
Gray-headed Geezer
European Darling
Shiftless Nare-do-well
American Upstart
Warbling Weirdo
Tokilla Mockingbird
Level-headed Preacher
Common Gripe
Little Cuckoo
Simple-minded Peasant
Thick-headed Boor
Very Swift
Solitary Bagpiper
Semi-clothed Bagpiper
Green Treehugger
-- from Brian Morin, Cornwall, Ontario
Belted Singfisher (identified by its diagnostic Carols)
Fairy Woodpecker
Blue Joy
Tufted Giftmouse
Caroling Wren
Christmas Tree Sparrow
House Grinch
Easter Bluebird (incredibly, seen on a Christmas Bird Count! - December 16, 2006, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
-- from Jochen Roeder, Germany
Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany Christmas Birds
Rudolph Wagtail description / picture
Santa Swan description / picture
Elf Swan description / picture
Rein Goose description / picture
-- from Jochen Roeder, Germany
Headless Stoolpigeon
Big-bellied Boozer
Gutless Praying-Chicken
Yellow-stripe-backed Skunk-Chicken
Ribbon-tailed Kite
Cold-hearted Miser
Kilted Fishbanger
Red-headed Double-breasted Mattress-Thrasher
-- from Bruce Bowman, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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