The process consultant
is an expert on group process. By being an expert on process,
the consultant can work with groups from a variety of content
areas. If faculty in the medical school or the business school,
or if staff at the Environmental Protection Agency are complaining
about inefficiencies and frustrations resulting from people
interactions, a process consultant does not have to be an
expert in medicine or business or environmental protection
in order to be helpful; he assumes that people are resourceful
with the means to solve their own problems if provided the
opportunities to do so. Using social science knowledge of
groups and organizations, and a variety of role plays, simulations,
guided group interaction, abbreviated, and small group exercise,
the consultant devises a process to help people to both define
and solve their own problems. While content experts often
assume that they have the only worthwhile knowledge to be
disseminated, and while they foster asymmetrical and dependent
relations by reducing group members to the role of passive
listener, the process consultant helps the group examine its
roles, tasks, decision-making style, and makes suggestions
to enhance efficient problem-solving and productivity. The
process consultant is aware of the ways in which the group
communicates and provides opportunities for important feedback
among group members so that they can observe how their behavior
impacts others within the group or organization. The process
consultant may work with groups to help increase their short-
and long-range planning skills or he may work with them on
a participatory research endeavor. Over the years Professor
Bryant has been a consultant to a number of grassroots, public
school, cooperative and environmental groups and government
agencies across the country. Process consultant skills are
also a major part of his classroom pedagogy.