All Things Cady | Finding Cadys |
What's In a Cady?
One of the biggest requests I get in e-mail (aside from jumping off a cliff) is whether I am or know a certain Cady. Though it's definitely a worthwhile pursuit, finding Cadys can be tricky business, so I've amassed a few resources here.
GenealogyCady-specific resources:A much more tasteful page than mine, Conrad Cady's Cady page is a great source of information. Conrad has also started a Yahoo Club on Cadys. To talk to folks, see the Cady Family Genealogy Forum. There is also a Cady Resource page at RootsWeb which includes an e-mail mailing ist. Jim Cady published a 400-page Cady Genealogy in 1991and a 200-page supplement in 1995. I have both, and they're very well done. He still has a few copies of the '91 edition ($53) and the supplement ($41), and you can call (903-791-6290), send him e-mail (, or mail a check to the following address:
Jim Cady An older Cady Genealogy, published in 1910 by Orrin Peer Allen, is now being reprinted by Higginson Books. General genealogy resources:
E-Mail, Address, and Phone InfoIf you're trying to find address, e-mail, or phone info, Yahoo's lists of such pages begins at their Phone Numbers and Addresses page. Here are a few of them that I've found useful:
Alumni InfoIf you know the high school s/he attended, you might also look in one of the alumni directories:
The Last ResortTry doing a search for Cady in one of the all-in-one search engines such as: