Golden Banana Archives 3

Welcome to the one and only Golden Banana Link of the Day. This page is dedicated to bringing to attention a webpage that we the members of find worthy of display on our esteemed website. You the reader can expect the page of the day to be humorous in a demented kind of way.
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From now on, the new links of the day will run in reverse order... newest at the top.

August 10, 2001

EZ leaker So you can go when you can't stop to go...

NOCIRC Saw this story about people who are opposed to circumcision on TV last night. I don't know if I like their name

August 9, 2001

Playboy escapes But this Playboy is a crocidile?

August 8, 2001

Are you speeding? Check this out. Another use for GPS. Here's the text if they take it down.

August 7, 2001 Interesting. I'm not sure if I should take it seriously I like the disclaimer in the corner, "Both Men & Women can win because if you win you can keep them - sell them - or give them away!"

Micki Juip One of my inspirations. Actually it's my friend's mom. She's really very nice. Check out the recipe. He says though, "I, myself, have never eaten Pronto Nacho salad. But that doesn't mean that she's never made it..."

Rooted in air: Nature restakes its claim on downtown as trees grow on the roofs of Detroit's abandoned gems Here's the text if they take it down.

July 28, 2001

Barbie gone bad Also check out Bicurious George

July 22, 2001

Mike the headless chicken And he has his own festival.

July 16, 2001

Extreme Ironing?

July 15, 2001

French Gnomes Freed Don't people have better things to do with their time? Here's the text if they take it down.

Rubiks Cube online

Virtual Housecall From the Comedy Lab

July 10, 2001

How to impress your date Worked for me! Other fun at

July 7, 2001

Heartless Bitches International I'm just keeping my mouth shut.

July 7, 2001

Bakes Fireworks, Blows up Kitchen I usually just make cookies. Here's the text if they take it down.

June 28, 2001

Sexiest Geek Alive Contest ?!?

June 23, 2001

Cookie Monster assaulted What kind of world do we live in that furry blue cookie lovers get beaten up? Here's the text if they take it down.

June 21, 2001

Get your own action figure Who's your favorite action figure? GI Joe? Still playing with those Stormtroopers? My litte Pony? Yourself you say!? How is that possible?

Urine Scheme Twarted Here's the text if they take it down. The Whizzinator homepage

Gangster Tour I was walking through Chinatown today and saw a black-painted school bus driving down the street with 'Untouchables Tour' on the side of it... it had to make this page.

June 10, 2001

Xtremevacations Like no vacation you've ever taken. The main site, You're Probably Lost has some interesting features.

June 5, 2001

Tampon superheroes Just plain weird. This and the next link today from Linky and Dinky

Zairmail Type in a message and they will print it out and mail it for free (with ads) interesting idea. I just sent myself a test message. we'll see how it works.

School Principal Fired for Burning Hamster They don't let anyone have any fun anymore. Here's the text if they take it down.

June 3, 2001

The Stool Fairy? You thought putting your teeth under your pillow was disgusting.

Dr. Pepper knock offs Someone sat down and compiled a list of 95 Dr. Pepper knock-offs. Impressive... waste of time that is.

May 30, 2001

Gas Price Watch Is your dad like my dad? I mean, does your dad drive around town looking for the lowest gas prices? Well now there's no more wasting gas in the process... assuming your dad uses the internet.

May 25, 2001

Follow the further adventures of Miss Muffy and her "Classic Cartoon" pals. Don't forget to check out PornoPony. mMD2B adds his second link in a year and he wants a cookie... well it's a pretty good link.

May 22, 2001

Snake swallows newborn From mJD This happened to me once. Here's the text if they take it down.

Ho Chi Minh's Zoo? Genuine error or politial statement. Here's the text if they take it down.

May 18, 2001

Man-Monkey panic from mJD Here's the text if they take it down.

More Man-monkey more from mJD Here's the text if they take it down.

Archermonkey arrested! Generate your own page

May 6, 2001

The Standardized 'Should I Stalk William Shatner Test'

May 5, 2001

I've been feeling amotivational for a little while here's a link from the Texas nerve plexus.
Jackie Chan Stick figure style This kicks ass.

Hero Machine Kinda cool if you're into comics, which I'm not... still cool though.

Toasty The web-enabled weather forecasting toaster

The Toaster Museum Foundation

Captain Safety A little bizzare.

April 23, 2001

Cursing in Swedish Especially useful if you are losing ing Swedish Hot wheels racing (see April 11, 2000). P.S.You haven't heard beautiful language until you've heard cursing in Greek

Lying around is good for you This is the kind of doctor I like! Here's the text if they take it down

Mothers against Boomerangs?

Guide Horse? The Miniature horeses are kinda cool, but why the heck do they have braille on their web page? Here's an article about it and the text if they take it down.

April 15, 2001

Peeps A classic for Easter. From mJD

How to date Helped me out a lot.

Worm on the brain. I can't believed she named the worm.

Date-My-Sister Project The folks at the Spark have come through for us again

April 11, 2001

On-Line Hot Wheels Pretty sweet... it's in swedish though... not tough to figure out...

April 10, 2001

Buff Tanner-Total Man My favorite is the bench press in a can -- worked for me!

Reading toes the Foundation for Fundamental Dactylogical Reading. Just messed up to be real. I'm not sure to be honest.

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Web Page created 25 August 2000
Last Modified 11 May 2002