Date:    Tue, 20 Feb 1996 10:59:31 EST
From:    carol martoccia <>
Subject: TURNER Bible pages Found: Update

I have had such a response to my post about finding the Bible pages for 
the TURNER family.  I do not believe I have located the family; however, I 
will send copies of the pages to you if you send me a SASE.  I was going 
broke from the postage.  I have decided to try to abstract the pages here on
Roots-L.  Maybe that way,we can narrow the search.

John Turner and Absilla Baker was married the 11 day of December, 1845 

William  Harington(Arington) and Sarah J. Turner were married Nov.11th 
1895 by the Rev. William Askew.

The rights (sic) of matrimony were solemnised between John Turner and Mary
F. Perry Oct/ 12, 1882 by the Rev. William P. Jordan


John Turner the son of Miles Turner and Rachal,his wife was borned the 17
December in the year of our Lord and Christ 1824

Ellen Turner the daughter of John Turner and Absilla his wife was borned 
the 29 of November in the year of our Lord and Christ 1846

Miles and Benjamin Turner the sons of John Turner and Absilla his wife was
borned the 23 Febuary (sic) in the year of our Lord and Christ 1851

Absilla Baker the daughter of Andrew Baker and Mary his wife was born the 
8 day of March in the year of our Lord and Christ 1823

Sarah Jane Turner daughter of John Turner and Absalah, his wife, was born
the 11th of May in the year of our Lord 1857

John W. Turner the sun (sic) of John Turner and Absalah his wife was born
the 23 of Oct. in the year of our Lord 1858

Charlie J. Aringtyon the son of William W. and Sarah J Arington his wife 
was born May 5 1878

Charlie Perry Turner the son of James M. Turner and Minnie (Winnie) his 
wife was born Nov 1st 1895

Lulia (Julia) E. Turner) Daughter of John Turner and Mary F. Turner his 
wife was born August 9th 1887

Charlie J. Arington departed his life Feb 15, 1882 age three years nine 
months and ten days.

The funeral of Mr. John Turner was preached at the church of which he was 
a Member at CENTER HILL April 26th 1896 by the Rev. C.W.Mathews.  From
the  Phillipians (Sic) 1st Chapter 21st verse. For to me to live is
Christ and to die is gain.  Devotedly, Mary. F. Turner

Miles Turner departed this life 1851

Benjamin Turner departed this life the 18 day of June 1851.

John Wes? Turner departed this life the 26 day of August 1859

Ellin Turner departed this life 28th day of May 1869 at 10 oclock . pm . 
The funeral services was held at Whiterville Grove July 45h by 
Thomas Babb    (This entry was poorly spelled so I am guessing)

Absilla Turner wife of John Turner departed this life June 15th 1882 in 
the 60th year of her age

John Turner departed this life Mar. 16, 1896. in his seventy second year.
He died in hope of blissful immortality beyond the grave. "And I
heard a vooice from heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the 
dead that die in the Lord from hence forth. Yea, saith the Spirit that
they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them.


Well, that's the transcription.. I really want John and Absalah to 
find their descendants.....Please help.   Carol
Carol Pridgen Martoccia
903 E. 5th St
Greenville,NC  27858