Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 21:01:05 -0400
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #112 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Part 2 of 2 of Turners of Southside VA shared by Lea L Dowd.

          3    Robert Thorpe  b: Abt 1678              
               +Sarah              Father:   Mother:
          *2nd Husband of Mary Turner:
          +Edward Harris, Sr. b: Abt 1660 in Isle of Wight Co., VA  m:
          Abt 1685  Father:   Mother:
          3    Ann Harris                    
          3    James Harris                  
               +Cheary Joyner m: Bef 1740 in Isle of Wight Co., VA Father:
          3    [18] Edward Harris, Jr.  b: Abt 1686 in Isle of Wight Co., VA
               +[19] Mary Thorpe   b: Abt 1690 in Isle of Wight Co., VA    
               m: Bef 1739    Father: Timothy Thorpe, Sr.   Mother: Mary
               4    [20] Amos Harris I                 
                    5    [21] William Harris                
                    5    [22] West Harris                   
                    5    [23] Mary Harris                   
                         +[24] ? McKenney    Father:   Mother:
                     5    [25] Salley Harris                 
                     5    [26] Rebecca Harris                
                     5    [27] Patience Harris                    
                     5    [28] Amos Harris II                
                     5    [29] Ann Harris                    
                          +[30] ? Horn   m: Bef 1785    Father:   
                4    [31] Hardy Harris                  
                4    [32] Edward Harris III   b: Abt 1710
[33] Mary Harris    b: Abt 1719              
                     +[34] James Barham  b: Abt 1730  m: Bef 1751 Father:
                     *2nd Husband of Mary Harris:                 
                     +[35] Benjamin Lewis I       m: November 10, 1752 in
                     Southampton Co., VA Father:   Mother:
                     5    [36] Nancy Lewis                   
                          +[37] Arthur Turner      m: April 26, 1781
                          in Southampton Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
                          6    [38] Edwin Turner                  
                          6    [39] Elizabeth Turner                   
                     5    [40] Zebulon Lewis                 
                     5    [41] Benjamin Lewis II                  
                     5    [42] Elizabeth Lewis                    
                          +[43] Benjamin Butts     Father:   Mother:
                     5    [44] Fanny Lewis                   
                          +[45] ? Lewis  Father:   Mother:
                     5     [46] Sally Lewis                   
                          +[47] ? Rochell     Father:   Mother:
                     5    [48] Becky Lewis                   
                     5    [49] Jenny Lewis                   
               4    [3] Lewis Harris    b: Abt 1725              
                    +[4] Sarah Thorpe        m: Bef 1771    Father: John
                    Thorpe I  Mother:
                    5    [5] Randolph Harris                
               4    [50] Joel Harris I  b: Abt 1728              
                    5    [51] Joel Harris II                
                    5    [52] Hamlin Harris                 
                    5    [53] Howell Harris                 
                    5    [54] Randolph Harris                    
                    5    [55] John Harris                   
                    5    [56] Olive Harris                  
                    5    [6] Sally Harris                   
                         +[7] Randolph Reese  Father: John Reese, Sr. 
                         Mother: Mary
                         6    [8] Polly Reese
                              +[9] Henry Ivey     m: November 14, 1809 in
                               Southampton Co., VA  Father:  Mother:
                         6    [10] Harris Reese                  
                         6    [11] Redmond Reese                 
                         6    [12] John Reese                    
                         6    [13] Rivers Reese                  
                         6    [14] Howell Reese                  
                         6    [15] Charity Reese                 
                         6    [16] Betsy Reese                   
                              +[17] Arthur Adams  Father:   Mother:
                    5    [57] Henry Harris                  
                    5    [58] Lucy Harris                   
                         +[59] ? McLemore    Father:   Mother:
                         6    [60] Joel McLemore                 
                         6    [61] Burwell McLemore                   
                         6    [62] Suckey Harris                 
                              +[63] ? Ricks  Father:   Mother:
                 4       [64] Ann Harris b: 1738             
                         +[65] Henry Applewhite V   b: Abt 1730 in VA     m: May
                         17, 1756 in Southampton Co., VA  Father:     Mother:
                    5    [66] Henry Applewhite VI
                    5    [67] Arthur Applewhite I                
                         6    [68] Arthur Applewhite II               
                    5    [69] Salley Applewhite                  
                         +[70] Jesse Cooper       m: August 19, 1786
                         in Southampton Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
                         *2nd Husband of Salley Applewhite:           
                         +[71] ? Deshiel     m: Bef 1795    Father: Mother:
                    5     [72] Hardy Applewhite                   
                          +[73] Charlotte Clifton  m: October 09, 1783 in
                          Southampton Co., VA Father:   Mother:
                    5     [74] Benjamin Applewhite                
                    5     [75] William Applewhite                 
                    5     [76] Joan Applewhite                    
                    5     [77] Rebecca Applewhite                 
                    5     [78] Nancy Applewhite                   
                    5     [79] Mary Applewhite                    
                          +[80] John Barham        Father:   Mother:
                    5     [81] John Applewhite     b: Abt 1760              
                          +[82] Rebecca Moore m: October 14, 1784 in
                          Southampton Co., VA Father:   Mother:
                          6    [83] Henry Willis Applewhite            
                          6    [84] Sarah Applewhite                   
                               +[85] Albridgton Jones        m: 1812   
                               Father:   Mother:
                    5    [86] Priscilla Applewhite     b: 1762 in VA  
                         +[87] Thomas Jordan  b: 1758 in VA m: December
                         09, 1790 in Southampton Co., VA    Father:   
                         6   [88] Nancy Jordan   b: 1792 in VA       
                             +[89] Samuel Washington Atkinson   b:
                             1797 in NC          Father:   Mother:
                     5   [90] Thomas Applewhite   b: Aft 1774              
                         +[91] Mary Archer        m: Abt 1764    Father:
     3    Daniel Harris, I, Capt.  b: Abt 1695 in Isle of Wight Co., VA    
          +Jane Jordan        m: Abt 1725    Father:   Mother:
            4       Jordan Harris                 
            4       Drury Harris                  
            4       Sterling Harris                    
            4       Sarah Harris                  
                    +Sampson Munger          Father:   Mother:
            4       Edward Harris                 
            4       Daniel Harris II                   
            4       Tabitha Harris                
                    +James Walker  m: Aft 1769    Father:   Mother:
            4       Britain Harris                
            4       Mary Harris    b: Abt 1735              
                    +Nathaniel Nicholson          Father:   Mother:
       3    Jacob Harris   b: Abt 1701 in Isle of Wight Co., VA
            +Mary Seward             Father:   Mother:
            4    James Harris                  
            4    Drury Harris                  
                +Priscilla Womack        m: December 12, 1783 in Southhampton
                 Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
                 5    Nancy Harris                  
                 5    Jacob Harris                  
                 5    Kinchen Harris                
                 5    Thomas Harris                 
                 5    Carter Harris                 
            4    [92] Moses Harris                  
                 +[93] Elizabeth Thorpe   Father: Moses Thorpe     Mother:
                 5      [94] James Harris                  
                 5      [95] John Harris                   
           4     Winifred Harris     b: 1740             
                +John Cheaves       m: Bef 1781    Father:   Mother:
     3    Martha Harris  b: Abt 1710              
          +? Williamson            Father:   Mother:
     3    Nathan Harris, Sr.  b: Abt 1712 in Isle of Wight Co., VA
          +Catherine Walton   m: 1737 in Brunswick Co., VA  Father: Mother:
            4       John Henry Harris                  
            4       Catherine Harris                   
            4       Nathan Harris, Jr.                 
            4       Howell Harris                 
                    +Mary Goodrich     m: November 23, 1789 in Brunswick
Co., VA                     Father:   Mother:
                   5     Polly Harris                  
                         +Dudley Hargrove         m: January 19, 1791 in
                         Greensville Co., VA Father:   Mother:
            4    Isaac Harris                  
            4    David Harris                  
                 5    Peter Harris                  
                 5    John Harris                   
             4    ? Harris                 
                   +Daniel Coleman               Father:   Mother:
                   5    Harris Coleman b: Bef 1793              
                   5    Catherine Coleman   b: Bef 1793              
                   5    John Coleman   b: Bef 1793              
          4    Jane Harris                   
               +? Williams         m: Bef 1793    Father:   Mother:
          4    Rowland Harris                
          4    Hubbard Harris                
          4    Gideon Harris                 
               +Rittah Warren           Father:   Mother:
          4    Martha Harris                 
          4    Elizabeth Harris                   
               +? Allen            Father:   Mother:
               *2nd Husband of Elizabeth Harris:                 
                +? Pennington            Father:   Mother:
          4    Ann Harris                    
               +John Patrick            Father:   Mother:
          4    Walton Harris I     b: February 06, 1738/39 in Brunswick Co.,
               +Rebecca Lanier  b: Abt 1744  m: 1760  Father:    Mother:
               5     Buckner Harris                
               5     Sampson Harris                
               5     Joel Harris                   
               5     Augustine Harris                   
               5     Edwin Harris                  
               5     Nathan Harris                 
               5     Simeon Harris                 
               5     Walton Harris II                   
               5     Elizabeth Harris                   
               5     Littleton Harris                   
               5     Jeptha Vinning Harris    b: April 27, 1782             
          4    Elias Harris   b: Abt 1747              
               +Silvia Chambliss        m: 1763   Father:   Mother:
       3  [101] West Harris I  b: August 13, 1716 in Isle of Wight Co., VA 
          +[100] Mary Turner   m: February 1739/40 in Brunswick Co., VA    
          Father: Joseph Turner    Mother: Burchet Lundy
          4    [102] Martha Pattie Harris                   
               +[103] Buckner Kimball             Father:   Mother:
          4    [104] Isham Harris  b: 1741             
          4    [105] Elizabeth Harris   b: March 07, 1742/43               
               +[106] ? Turner               Father:   Mother:
          4    [107] Turner Harris b: June 25, 1745              
               +[108] Elizabeth Bush              Father:   Mother:
          4    [109] Ethelred Harris    b: January 12, 1748/49             
               +[110] Elizabeth Warren  m: June 27, 1774    Father:  Mother:
          4     [96] Priscilla Harris    b: March 12, 1751/52               
                +[112] Roger Williams    m: Bef 1782    Father:   Mother:
                *2nd Husband of Priscilla Harris:                  
                +[97] Henry Thorpe     b: Aft 1750    m: February 20, 1783 in
                Southampton Co., VA Father: Aaron Thorpe     Mother:
           4    [113] Rowland Harris     b: June 28, 1754              
           4    [114] West Harris, II, Col.   b: March 14, 1756             
                +[115] Edith Ledbetter             Father:   Mother:
           4    [116] Arthur Harris b: July 07, 1758              
                +[117] Mary Myrick            Father:   Mother:
           4    [118] Mary Harris   b: November 01, 1760 in Isle of Wight Co.,
                +[119] Richard Parker    b: Abt 1750     Father:  Mother:
                 5     [120] Barham Parker                
                 5     [121] Mary Parker                  
                 5     [122] Patricia Parker                   
                 5     [123] Elizabeth Parker                  
                 5     [124] Lucy Parker                  
                 5     [125] Nancy Parker                 
                 5     [126] Martha Parker                
            4    [127] Patience Harris    b: February 20, 1763               
                 +[128] William Giradieu            Father:   Mother:
            4    [129] Hardy Harris  b: Aft 1776              
     2    Joseph Turner                 
          +Burchet Lundy      m: Bef 1730    Father:   Mother:
          3    Simon Turner, Sr.                  
               +Martha Ann Person       Father:   Mother:
               4    Burchett Lundy Turner    b: in Greensville Co., VA ?   
                    +William Sykes m: May 21, 1790 in Greensville Co.,
                     VA   Father:   Mother:
                     5    Martha Ann Sykes                   
                          +Richard Sykes b: March 12, 1803        
                           Father:   Mother:
                           6   [99] Augustus A. Sykes                  
                               +[98] Georgia Sykes           
                                Father: George Augustus Sykes Mother:
                           6    Clifton Sykes                 
                       5   James Turner Sykes                 
                       5   Joseph Sykes                  
                       5   William A. Sykes                   
                       5   Benjamin Sykes                
                       5   Simon Turner Sykes                 
                       5   George Augustus Sykes                   
                           6    [98] Georgia Sykes                 
                                +[99] Augustus A. Sykes Father: Richard
                                Sykes     Mother: Martha Ann Sykes
                  4      Person Turner                 
                         +Mason Taylor Peterson   m: February 16, 1796     
                         Father:   Mother:
                         *2nd Wife of Person Turner:                  
                         +[136] Ann Turner       m: September 09, 1797 in
                         Southampton Co., VA Father: John Turner II   
                         Mother: Priscilla Blunt
                   4     Joseph Turner                 
                         +Ann Peterson  m: February 19, 1785     Father:   
                   4     Martha Ann Person Turner                
                         +Peyton Mason  b: Abt 1760    Father:  Mother:
          3       Elizabeth Turner                   
                  +? Jordan           Father:   Mother:
          3       James Turner                  
                  +Hannah Jordan b: Abt 1729         Father:   Mother:
                   4     Charlet Turner                
                   4     Penelope Turner                    
                   4     Elizabeth Turner                   
                    +Arthur Jordan Father:   Mother:
            3       Sarah Turner                  
            3       Thomas Turner                 
            3       Ann Turner                    
                    +Joseph Green       Father:   Mother:
                    4    Sarah Green              
                         +Drewry Long   Father:   Mother:
                         5    Nancy Long     b: 1774 in Warren Co., NC          
                             +Nelson Harris     b: 1760   m: 1793 in Warren
                              Co., NC   Father:   Mother:
                              6    Zilpha Harris                 
                                   +Collins Sledge     b: 1787 in NC  m:
                                   December 15, 1808   Father:   Mother:
                               6   Drury Harris                  
                               6   Guilford Harris     b: September 07, 1793
                               6   Seaborn Harris b: 1798             
                               6   Hicksey H. Harris   b: 1803             
                               6   Alston Green Harris b: January 12,1806  
                               6   Matthew Harris b: 1810             
            3       [100] Mary Turner                  
                    +[101] West Harris I     b: August 13, 1716 in Isle of Wight
                    Co., VA   m: February 1739/40 in Brunswick Co., VA     
                    Father: Edward Harris, Sr.    Mother: Mary Turner
                    4    [102] Martha Pattie Harris                   
                         +[103] Buckner Kimball   Father:   Mother:
                    4     [104] Isham Harris  b: 1741             
                    4     [105] Elizabeth Harris   b: March 07, 1742/43
+[106] ? Turner     Father:   Mother:
                    4     [107] Turner Harris b: June 25, 1745              
                          +[108] Elizabeth Bush    Father:   Mother:
                    4     [109] Ethelred Harris    b: January 12, 1748/49
+[110] Elizabeth Warren       m: June 27, 1774    
                          Father:   Mother:
                    4     [111] Priscilla Harris   b: March 12, 1751/52
+[112] Roger Williams    m: Bef 1782    Father:   
                          *2nd Husband of Priscilla Harris:                 
                          +[97] Henry Thorpe  b: Aft 1750    m: February 20,
                          1783 in Southampton Co., VA   Father: Aaron Thorpe
Mother: Phebe
                  4      [113] Rowland Harris     b: June 28, 1754              
                  4      [114] West Harris, II, Col.   b: March 14, 1756        
                         +[115] Edith Ledbetter        Father:   Mother:
                  4      [116] Arthur Harris b: July 07, 1758              
                        +[117] Mary Myrick       Father:   Mother:
                  4      [118] Mary Harris   b: November 01, 1760 in Isle of
                         Wight Co., VA            
                         +[119] Richard Parker    b: Abt 1750     Father:
                         5    [120] Barham Parker                
                         5    [121] Mary Parker                  
                         5    [122] Patricia Parker                   
                         5    [123] Elizabeth Parker                  
                         5    [124] Lucy Parker                  
                         5    [125] Nancy Parker                 
                         5    [126] Martha Parker                
                   4     [127] Patience Harris    b: February 20, 1763          
                         +[128] William Giradieu  Father:   Mother:
                   4     [129] Hardy Harris  b: Aft 1776              
      2   Simon Turner I b: Abt 1657 in Isle of Wight Co., VA         
          +Mary      m: Abt 1678 in Isle of Wight Co., VA  Father:    Mother:
           3    Jennett Turner                
                +Turner Bynum I     Father:   Mother:
                   4     Mille Bynum                   
                   4     Turner Bynum II                    
                   4     Benne Bynum                   
                   4     Sugars Bynum                  
           3    Simon Turner II     b: Abt 1679              
                   4    William Turner                
                         5    Littleton Turner                   
                         5    Arthur Turner                 
                         5    James Turner                  
                         5    Ann Turner                    
                         5    Fanny Turner                  
                    4    Edith Turner                  
                         +John Barrow I Father:   Mother:
                         5    William Barrow b: in Brunswick Co., VA       
                              +Amy Lee  b: Abt 1719    Father:   Mother:
                         5    John Barrow II                
                         5    Ann Barrow                    
                              +William Kinnebrew Father:    Mother:
                              6    [139] Jacob Kinnebrew                   
                                   +[138] Edith Kirby  Father: William
                                   Kirby I   Mother: Mary Turner
                               6   Edwin Kinnebrew                    
                               6   Lot Kinnebrew                 
                               6   Shadrach Kinnebrew                 
                        5     Hannah Barrow                 
                              +? Pittman               Father:   Mother:
                        5     Martha Barrow                 
                              +? Frizzell              Father:   Mother:
                        5     Daniel Barrow  b: December 08, 1757 in
                              Brunswick Co. VA              
                              +Hannah Stone  b: August 06, 1764       
                              Father:   Mother:
                  4      Mary Turner                   
                        +Nathan Harris      Father:   Mother:
                         5    John Harris                   
                         5    Edwin Harris                  
                         5    Richard Harris                
                         5    Charlotte Harris                   
                         5    Nancy Harris                  
                         5    Thomas Harris                 
                         5    Newit Harris   b: Aft 1764              
                         5    ? Harris  b: Abt 1785              
                   4     Thomas Turner                 
                   4     Hannah Turner                 
                         +David Stone, Gov.  Father:   Mother:
                         5    Rebecca Stone                 
                              +Samuel Garland, Dr.     Father:   Mother:
                              6    Hannah S. Garland                  
                         5    Hannah Stone                  
                              +Joseph Bryan Outlaw, Dr. Father:  Mother:
                         5    David W. Stone                
                         5    Sarah T. Stone                
                              +Robert H. Cowan    Father:   Mother:
                         5    Elizabeth Stone     b: Abt 1806              
                              +Edward Brodnax Hicks    b: July 11, 1789 in VA   
                              m: November 03, 1822 in Brunswick Co., VA    
                              Father:   Mother:
                              6   Rebecca Brodnax Hicks    b: November 18,
                                  +Benjamin Isaac Hicks, Dr.    b: Abt 1817    
                                  m: December 17, 1844 in Brunswick Co., VA    
                                  Father:   Mother:
                                  *2nd Husband of Rebecca Brodnax Hicks:     
                                  +Hobart Evans FitzGerald b: Abt
                                  1827 m: October 1862 in Washington,
                                  D.C. Father:   Mother:
                              6   David Stone Hicks, Sr.   b: May 11, 1826
                                  +Martha Eleanor Lewis    b:
                                   1842      Father:   Mother:
                              6   Ann Hicks b: July 27, 1829              
                                  +William Brooks Price, Dr.    b: 1809   m:
                                  November 27, 1850   Father:   Mother:
                              6   Elizabeth Hicks     b: December 01, 1832
+Burdett Ashton Lewis    b: 1823   m: November
                                  19, 1857  Father:   Mother:
                              6   Martha "Patty" Hicks     b: March 14, 1836
+Francis Emmett Buford   b: November 17, 1836
m: November 24, 1858     Father:   Mother:
               4    Benjamin Turner                    
                    5    Joel Turner                   
                    5     William Turner                
                    5    Rebecca Turner                
         3     William Turner b: Abt 1681              
         3     Arthur Turner  b: Abt 1683              
         3     Thomas Turner I     b: Abt 1685              
              +Ann             Father:   Mother:
               4  Thomas Turner II                
               4  Amos Turner                
               4  Chacy Turner                    
               4  Holland Turner                  
               4  Nanny Turner                    
               4  Charlotte Turner                
         3     John Turner I  b: Abt 1687 in Isle of Wight Co., VA         
              +Sarah Street     b: Abt 1690 in Isle of Wight Co., VA    m: Abt 
              1710 in Isle of Wight Co., VA     Father:   Mother:
              4     William Turner b: Abt 1712 in Isle of Wight Co., VA    
                    +Keziah        m: Abt 1733 in VA   Father:   Mother:
                    5    Thomas Turner  b: August 27, 1734            
              4     John Turner II b: Abt 1714              
              4     James Turner   b: Abt 1716              
              4     Thomas Turner  b: Abt 1718              
              4     Patience Turner     b: Abt 1720              
              4     George Turner  b: Abt 1722              
              4     Penelope Turner     b: Abt 1724              
              4     Elizabeth Turner    b: Abt 1726              
         3    Dorcas Turner     b: Abt 1691              
              +John Person IV   b: Abt 1715         Father:   Mother:
              4    Presley Person                
              4    John Person V  b: Abt 1737              
              4    Turner Person  b: Aft 1746              
              4    Lucy Person    b: Aft 1746              
              4    [130] Philip Person b: Aft 1747              
                   +[131] Temperance Thorpe b: February 06, 1748/49  m:
                   January 26, 1772 in Southampton Co., VA Father: Timothy
                   Thorpe, Jr.    Mother: Martha Peterson
                   5    [132] Turner Person                
                        +[133] Polly Harrison    Father:   Mother:
                   5     [134] Timothy Person     b: Aft 1772              
                   5     [135] Patsy Person  b: Aft 1772              
           4   Colin Person   b: Aft 1747              
               +Elizabeth               Father:   Mother:
               5    Nancy Person   b: Aft 1765              
      3   Milla Turner   b: Abt 1698              
  2       John Turner, Jr.    b: 1668             
  2       James Turner   b: 1672             
          +Mary               Father:   Mother:
     3    Kizziah Turner                
  2       Thomas Turner, Sr.  b: Abt 1676              
          +Martha Joyner      m: Bef 1719    Father:   Mother:
      3   Thomas Turner, Jr.                 
  2       William Turner, Sr. b: Abt 1680              
          +Elizabeth Drew               Father:   Mother:
      3   William Turner, Jr.                
          +Hester Green  Father:   Mother: Burchet Lundy
      3   Simon Turner                  
          +Lucy Bittle             Father:   Mother:
          4    Benjamin Turner     b: Bef 1763              
      3   Benjamin Turner, Sr.                    
          +Mildred Bittle               Father:   Mother:
          4    Benjamin Turner, Jr.                    
               +Elizabeth Clack         m: April 19, 1791 in Brunswick Co,
               VA   Father:   Mother:
               5    Benjamin B. Turner                 
          4    Ann Turner                    
          4    Nathan Turner                 
               +? Vaughan               Father:   Mother:
          4    Phebe Turner                  
               +Benjamin Newsom    m: Bef June 12, 1771 Father:  Mother:
               5      Phoebe Newsom                 
               5      Turner Newsom  b: Bef 1781              
               5      James Newsom   b: Bef 1781              
          4    Henry Turner                  
       3       Matthew Turner                
       3       Thomas Turner I                    
          4    Simon Turner  b: Aft 1750               
               +Ann Williamson          m: December 06, 1767 in Brunswick
               Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
               5     Edith Turner                  
                    +Peter Ivey II m: March 17, 1788 in Wake Co., NC  
                    Father:   Mother:
          4    Jesse Turner   b: Aft 1750              
          4    Lewis Turner   b: Aft 1750              
          4    Thomas Turner II    b: Aft 1750              
          4    Matthew Turner b: Aft 1750              
          4    Harris Turner  b: Aft 1750              
          4    William Turner b: Aft 1750              
          4    John Turner    b: Aft 1750              
     3    John Turner I                 
          4    John Turner II                
               +Priscilla Blunt         m: January 11, 1762 in Southampton
               Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
               5    John Blunt Turner                  
                    +Mildred       m: Bef 1811    Father:   Mother:
               5    Mary Turner                   
                    +John Wall          m: September 15, 1754 in Greensville
                    Co., VA   Father:   Mother:
                    6    Elizabeth Wall                
                         +Henry J. Cooke, Jr.     Father:   Mother:
               5    Sugars Turner                 
                    +Rebecca Deloney        m: May 30, 1804     Father:   
               5    Simon Turner                  
                    +Nancy Bynum m: March 03, 1797 Father:  Mother:
               5    William Turner                
               5    [136] Ann Turner                   
                    +[137] Person Turner          m: September 09, 1797 in
                    Southampton Co., VA Father: Simon Turner, Sr.     
                    Mother: Martha Ann Person
               5    Thomas Turner                 
                    +Martha        Father:   Mother:
               5     James Turner                  
               5     Jesse Turner                  
               5     Martha Turner  b: Bef 1778              
               5     Temperance Turner   b: Bef 1778              
               5     Elizabeth Turner    b: Bef 1778              
               5     Edmond Turner  b: Bef 1778              
          4    Jesse Turner                  
          4    Selah Turner                  
               +? Alsobrook        Father:   Mother:
          4    James Turner                  
               5      Nancy Turner                  
               5      Benjamin Turner     b: Aft 1776              
               5      Edmund Turner  b: Aft 1776              
          4    Jacob Turner                  
          4    Mary Turner                   
          4    William Turner                
          4    Charlotte Turner                   
               +? Claud            Father:   Mother:
          4    Elizabeth Turner                   
               +? Exum           Father:   Mother:
          4    Amos Turner                   
          4    Joseph Turner                 
          4    David Turner                  
      3   Mary Turner                   
          +William Kirby I              Father:   Mother:
          4   John Kirby                    
          4   Milly Kirby                   
              +? Drew             Father:   Mother:
         4    Elizabeth Kirby                    
              +? Howell           Father:   Mother:
         4    [138] Edith Kirby                  
              +[139] Jacob Kinnebrew   Father: William Kinnebrew     
              Mother: Ann Barrow
        4     Mary Kirby                    
              +Joshua Nicholson II         m: October 08, 1764 in
              Southampton Co., VA Father:   Mother:
              5    Fanny Nicholson                    
              5    Lucy Nicholson                
              5    Matilda Nicholson                  
              5    Charles Briggs Nicholson                
         4    ? Kirby                  
              +? Holt             Father:   Mother:
              5    Mason Holt                    
         4    William Kirby II    b: Aft 1751              
         4    Turner Kirby   b: Aft 1751              
      3  Ann Turner                    
         +Elias Fort II  Father:   Mother:
         4    Sherwood Fort                 
         4    Willis Fort                   
         4    Jesse Fort                    
         4    Micajah Fort                  
         4    Sarah Fort                    
              +? Turner      m: Bef 1777    Father:   Mother:
         4    Turner Fort                   
         4    Littleton Fort                
         4    Howell Fort                   
         4    Elias Fort III b: Aft 1752              
         4    ? Fort    b: Abt 1774              
The end of part 2 of 2 Turners of Southside VA