Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 20:29:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Nyla Creed <> To:,,,,,,,,,,,, connie.spaw@CBIS.COM,,,,,,,, IRXP500@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc - Compilation #12 Dear Cousins: This is our twelfth compilation. We're now at 45 on the mailing list. We welcome our new folks who have submitted information for this compilation. Hopefully, someone can help them with their research. Does anyone have the current email address for Waddie Salmon? The mail I sent to him at has been returned to me. If you have any new material you want added to the next compilation, please send it to me. Enjoy. Nyla Creed DePauk 2832 Andiron Lane Vienna VA 22180 email: ============================ Subj: Re: Via Family Date: 96-05-04 01:53:06 EDT From: To: >Julia: > >If you'd like, I can put your eMail on our >Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc >listing. Chris Gaunt has archieved all our emails on her home >page. I'll be glad to add you to our mailing list Nyla, That would be a great help. Thanks a lot! Julia Crosswll ========================================= Subj: Via Family Date: 96-05-01 12:19:48 EDT From: (Julia Crosswell) To: Dear Nyla, I am researching a Mary Jane Via of Albemarle or Greene counties in Virginia. She was born around 1881 and married Henry Clay Garrison. I have one daughter, Frances Lucille Garrison, born 1914. Mary Jane's parents are listed as Daniel and Lindy Via. If you have any information on Mary Jane Via, I would greatly appreciate a response. Thank you. ---------- Julia Crosswell ================================== Date: Thu, 09 May 1996 14:44:05 -0600 From: "J. Winslow" <> To:, Subject: Burnetts, Johns, Thomas's, Williams, and a Moses I have read with fascination Cris Guant's file on the Burnetts and Turners in Patrick county. May I jump in? I do not have any direct ties to Patrick Co. yet but I have several Burnetts that I do not know where they came from. In an effort to identify the parents of John S. Burnett I have been going through Bork's books and working backwards from John Merchant of Aberdeen who settled in Old Rappahanock Co. Va. and am to the point that some of them have moved into Patrick Co. My primary question at the moment is who are the Parents of John S. Burnett (b. 19 Jan 1804, Nelson Co. Ky , m 10 Feb 1829 Nelson Co Ky to Susan Knott, First Child William b 2 June 1830 New Lebanon, Sullivan, In.) Other relevant questions Is there a connection between John S. and William Burnett son of Moses Burnett who settled New Lebanon Ind. in 1806? Is William Burnett son of Moses a natural child or the William orphan of William Burnett bound to Moses in 1792? Who was William Burnett who died in Nelson Co. Ky. in 1792 leaving an orphan named William? Who was Moses Burnett b. about 1750 (in Frederick Co. Va. ?) and is he descended from John the Merchant of Aberdeen? Who was the Father (s?) of William and Damie Burnett who married in Nelson Co. I will try to lay out the pieces of the puzzle. Jefferson Co. Ky was formed from Kentucky Co. Va. in 1780. IN 1785 Nelson Co. was formed from Southeast Jefferson Co. Washington Co. was formed from Southeast Nelson Co. in 1792. It is possible for a person to have lived in 3 counties in 12 years without moving. I think this is what happened to the Burnetts. I gave John S. 's birth and marriage data above. I have family data etc from New Lebanon which I will be happy to share. Apparently John S. married in Nelson Co. Ky and immediately moved to New Lebanon. Among the original settlers of New Lebanon in 1806 were William and Mary Springer Burnett. William was the son of Moses Burnett of Washington Co. Ky. Bork suggest that the John and Thomas Burnett in Nelson Co. are the sons of Thomas Burnett the son of John the Merchant of Aberdeen. There is a gap of about 20 years in the record and I am having a hard time in my mind getting them from Essex Co. in Eastern Va. to Nelson Co. in Western Ky. without a stop somewhere in Western Va. At the beginning of the Washington Co. records Bork suggest that John and Thomas settled there from Essex Co. Va. and Moses and Rachel Morley Burnett settled there from Frederick Co. Va. The Children of Moses Burnett were Robert b. 1773, John, William, Moses, and Letitia. Land records for Jefferson Co. show that John acquired 1750 acres of land between 1781 and 1785. At least 550 acres on Cedar Run. A Joseph Burnett had 4000 acres. John is on the 1800 Tax List for Jefferson Co. In 1807 Robert Burnett m Polly Smith in Jefferson Co. The 1810 Census for Jefferson Co. shows William, Robert, Ann and Thomas Burnett. Thomas is between 16-26, the others are all between 26-45. John and Thomas Burnett appear on the Tax List for Nelson county from 1785 through 1795. Some of the List have one or the other, some have both. In 1788 John Jr. appears on the Tax List. In 1800 there is a William Burnett on the Tax List. There is a Court Entry for 15 Mar 1792 that reads: Overseer of the poor bind Moses Burnett and William Burnett Orphan of William Burnett. I have not found this entry in Bork. Who the William who died and left a son William? Is the orphan William the one given as a son to Moses or are their two Williams? The problem in Nelson Co. seems to be a surfeit of Williams. The Marriages in Nelson and Washington Co. get really interesting. 1791 Benjamin Skidmore m Sara Briant, bond by Thomas Burnett 1797 John Burnett m Sara Skidmore a widow, bond by John Burnett 1798 William Burnett m Elizabeth Skidmore both over 21 1798 James Skidmore m Damie Burnett 1802 William G. Burnett m Nancy Vest 1802 William Burnett m Polly Springer (I have been told that Polly is a nickname for Mary, this then is the William and Mary who settled New Lebanon Ind. 1829 John S. Burnett m Susan Knott in Nelson Co. There are at least three Williams here. The only William I have as a son is William son of Moses who may be the orphan William. Bork suggest that Elizabeth Skidmore may be the daughter of Sara Skidmore. I believe that Sara is the Widow of Benjamin Skidmore. If that is the case then Elizabeth would only be 7 in 1798. I believe that Benjamin Skidmore, James Skidmore, and Elizabeth were brothers and sister. I believe that William and Elizabeth Skidmore Burnett are the parents of John S. but I need evidence. Can anyone shed light on the puzzle or any part of it? I would greatly appreciate it. I would be willing to share any information I have. I believe John the Merchant of Aberdeen is Jonne Burnett born 25 Dec 1610 in St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland the son of Thomas and Margaret Johnstoun Burnett m 3 June 1608 in St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sorry if this is too long but it is very complicated to me. ---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 15:32:04 -0600 From: "J. Winslow" <> To: Subject: Re: Burnetts, Johns, Thomas's, Williams, and a Moses -Reply Thank You. I made one terible mistake on what I sent relative to John the Merchant. I have been calling him the Merchant of Aberdeen. Bork identifies him as from Edinburough. I have found some other data that convinces me that the Merchant was born in Aberdeen. As soon as I get it sorted out I will share. One of the documents spoke of six brothers coming over. I am not familiar with that. Could some one enlighten me. It might account for some of the loose Burnetts in Old Rappahanock Co. ----------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Turner Family History Date: 96-05-11 18:09:52 EDT From: (don turner) To: CC: I have been reading some of the compilations about the Turners but I cannot find a link to my own Turners. I know it's there somewhere. The earliest turner in my family is William B. Turner (yes, another William Turner, I guess). He married Jane Martin. He was a school teacher and a justice of the peace in South Carolina. William and Jane had 7 children, the oldest being my ancestor - Walter Melvin Turner born in S.C. 11/10/1824. Walter Melvin moved to Georgia and then to Nashville, Tenn (yes, Tenn.) Walter married Elmarinda Bradshaw in Georgia in 1849. In Tennessee Walter worked for the railroad. Their son, Roma Eliot was born in Nashville 01/13/1854. William and Jane, Walter and Elmarinda (with Roma Eliot) moved to Ellis county, Texas, I believe, in November 1854. Zounds, I may have just found a connection. It seems that Elmarinda had been married before to a Mr. Burnett and had a daughter, Margaret Burnett born 07/15/1844. Pat, I have a copy of "A History of the Turner Family' by William A. Roskey copyright 1972 and with many of the lists that are mentioned in some of the compilations. If you are interested in borrowing it just let me know. James D. Turner, 10109 Hidden Meadows, Austin, TX 78750, phone 512-258-2728. e-mail at Nyla, I would like to be added to you list also. I am new to the internet but I do have you bookmarked. Thanks, James D. Turner (yes, another James Turner) ========================= The end.