Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 23:04:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 129 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

7 June 1997

Dear Cousins,

Welcome to all the new folks.  We're looking forward to hearing about your
family line.  Anything you care to share will be appreciated.  If you haven't
done so already, check out all our compilations that are on Chris Gaunt's
home page:

If you haven't checked Chris' homepage lately, you might want to do that

Vienna VA --> San Diego CA

Date:	97-05-31 21:46:34 EDT
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1


Well, don't know if I can be of any help or not.  I have a Permelia TURNER
born 19 April 1814 in Henry Co., VA and died 15 March 1898 place unknown to
me and any spouse of children also unknown.  My only other is Permelia Corn
TURNER  b. 1825 Patrick Co. Va  d. after 1870 Monroe Co., KY,  married George
Lewis Carter 9 May 1848.  

Not sure anyone has a connection between the Virginia TURNERs I'm compiling
and the Alabama TURNERs.  I would suspect there is somewhere after all the
connection is well documented.  If either of these is the person you are
looking for, please let us know so we can expand the lines.

Hate to tell you this, but when I saw your email name, I almost deleted the
letter without reading. Thought for sure it was some junkmail which I get to
much of.  Have you had problems with that happening to you? 


Subj:	James Turner 
Date:	97-06-03 03:15:09 EDT
From: (Penny Menges)

Hi David
I got your note one the James Turner line.  I do believe my John is
James son.  Still have a little documentation to do but I guess this
does make us cousins how many times removed<G>. Have several other
cousins that I have been able to contact through the net or by mail. I
will attach the down line to you when I get it ready.  I am related by
James to John.  John had 9 children (or maybe it was 10) x Elizabeth
Connel Askew.  She died in Coweta in 1852 and he went to Texas that
year. I am related by one of John's children was Benjamin Franklin to
his son Marcus Durus, to my Grandmother. The other cousins are downline
from John's other children, Thomas Jefferson, and Almyra. I have
documentation back as far as John. John died in 1884 in Upshur Co.,
Texas. He also did marry after he got to Texas altho they did not have
any children. Some of John's children must have gone back to the South
after he died. I certainly would be happy to recieve an attachment as to
the linage from James back.   Have emailed Janice but with no responce yet.
Thanks again David, I do appreciate all of the responces.
Your distant cousin

Subj:	John BURNETT of Scotland and Virginia
Date:	97-05-30 10:45:25 EDT
From: (Barbara F. Bonham)
To:, (,,,

June Baldwin Bork
9375 Bella Vista Road
Apple Valley, California 92308
Phone (619) 247-3790
Fax (619) 247-3790

05 May 1997


Great news!  The ancestry of our first John BURNETT has been found.  He
was christened on Christmas Day. 1610.  Enclosed is a chart* showing the
families I am researching and later on, I will send you additional
information.  It was just too exciting to keep it a secret any longer.

In Volume One of THE BURNETTS and THEIR CONNECTIONS, you will find the
birth of John (I) BURNETT was 1610-1611, "in or near Aberdeen,
Scotland". The reference for his age is found in Hotten's, THE ORIGINAL
LIST OF PERSONS OF QUALITY, 1635 - John BURNETT, age 24, [born 1610]
aboard the Ship Abraham of London, Mr. John Barker, Master, bound for
Virginia, (p. 138).  Plus...we know now that his wife, Lucretia, was a
JOHNSON. In John's records, you will find JOHNSON references and it was
conjectured at the time of writing that the JOHNSONs were probably

John (I) BURNETT received the Warrant or Charter to trade in Virginia
from King Charles in 1638.  Afterwards, several JOHNSTONS entered the
scene and these will also be researched.  Note too, that John (I)
BURNETT's mother was Margaret JOHNSTON and it is very likely that we
will find that John BURNETT and Lucretia JOHNSON were first cousins,
both descending from William JOHNSTON (?) and Elspet DRUN/DRUIM (?).  I
am still not certain about William and Elspet Johnson and will have to
do more research.  The feminine names of "Elsept and Elspeth" is a
diminutive of  "Elizabeth" and Cristen or Christian" was very common in
the early days of Scotland.

In 1668, John BURNETT and Lues, his wife, sold to Thomas Gaines, all of
Piscatation Creek, all their interest in 100 acres joining the land of 
Mr. William JOHNSON.

All the births and marriages on the enclosed chart, were found in the
old St. Nicholas Parish Church in Aberdeen, Aberdeen County, Scotland. 
St. Nicholas is located near Crathes Castle and was the church most
frequented by the BURNETT of Leys.

All three Volumes of the BURNETTS and THEIR CONNECTIONS have been very
successful and I thank all of you for your support.  John (I) BURNETT's
descendants are eligible for Colonial Dames and the DAR/SAR and the
books are in the regional offices in Washington.

Sincerely yours,

June Baldwin Bork

* Due to the graphics required, June's pedigree chart could not be
enclosed with this.  However, you are welcome to write her and send a
SASE for the chart.

Barbara Farthing Bonham
The Family Snitch
Cherry Stone Creek, formerly Farthing Family Finders
I received this (Genealogy Spouse and Disclaimer) from a member of the ABSHER
mailing list.  Thought you might enjoy it, too.  -- Nyla

Subj:	GENEALOGY/Disclaimer
Date:	97-06-03 14:37:12 EDT
From: (ncreed)

Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 08:38:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Fwd: abshers Research
Forwarded message:
Date: 97-06-02 01:50:09 EDT

I received this yesterday and thought I would pass it on.


You know you're a Genealogist's Spouse when:

1. You're the only person in the bridge/poker club who knows what a SOUNDEX
2. Some of your best friends live over 200 miles away.
3. You have more pictures of Tombstones than of the kids.
4. "I need a little help at the courthouse" means forget the cleaning,
washing, dinner, chores; the day is shot.
5. The mailman can't believe you get this much mail from someone you
don't know.
6. You explain to Mom why you can't go 25 miles for Sunday
dinner but can go 100 miles to check out another cemetery.
7. " As soon as I check this census record, I'll fix the leaky faucet" means
"call the plumber".
8. Your neighbors think you're crazy, your friends wonder, and you know you
9. Despite it all, even you are a little anxious for the next family reunion.

Have a Good

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Messages on Abshers express the opinion of the sender and not the opinion of
the Bowman Gray School of Medicine or any other subscriber to Abshers.

From: "Ann N. Hughes" <>
To: "Nyla Creed DePauk" <>
Subject: Francis Turner
Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 12:55:31 -0400
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal


A first cousin of mine has just returned from a visit to Ireland.  She sent
me some information on a Francis Turner.  I will copy what she sent, but
caution should be observed as there is no proof that this Francis is the
progenitor of our Francis Turner line. I am submitting it in hopes someone
else may have the necessary proof to connect this Francis to our Francis.

>From Haye's Manuscripts for Turner in the Genealogy Center in Dublin,
Francis Turner was, "succerssively Bishop of (1) Rochester, (2) Ely: A
sermon (on 1 Chron XXIX, 23) preached before their Majesties King James II
and Queen Mary at their Coronation in Westminister Abbey, April 23, 1685." 
"Rev. Francis Turner.  A constitutional sermon preached by Rev. F. Turner
A.B. on Sun. 7th Nov. 1779 in Parish Church of Killrush, before the
Enniscorthy Buffs; requested and now published their sermon 8th Aug. 1784
in  Cathedral of Ferns before Enniscorthy Buffs commanded by Col. Phaire
and now published."  "Part Translator of How Gertrude teaches her
Children....2nd Ed 1900. See Pestalozzi."

She also sent some Turner phone numbers.  I'll list them just in case
anyone is going over there or may want to call from here:
John Turner, Thurles, Waterford 				0504-2-15-96
John Turner, Seafield Bonmahon, Waterford		051-9-23-85
Francis A. Turner, Castleknock, Dublin			820-3087
Francis M. Turner, Dublin				454-4379

Ann Turner Nolen Hughes

Subj:	For next Compilation please ...
Date:	97-06-04 23:37:36 EDT
From:	GDBurnette
To:	NCreed1

I have posted before but there are new members so... it's worth a shot.

I'm looking for info on my g-g-g-grandfather John Greenberry BURNETT.  He was
in Sullivan County, TN 1810 and died also Sullivan County, TN 1893.  He
married (1)
Letitia Ann Godsey and (2) Rebekah Ann Moss.   In census records John
indicated his parents were from Virginia.

John and Letitia's children were all born in Sullivan County are are:  

Decatur Hamilton Burnett   b. 1838
Frances Marion Burnett   b. 1836
Simon Peter Burnett  b. 1847
Cyrus Burnett  b. 1845 
John Anderson Burnett  b. 1840
Andrew Burnett  b. 1848
Martin Van Buren Burnett  b. 1850 
Elizabeth Burnett   b. 1844
Martha Burnett  b. 1842

Anyone researching this family ?!?  Please contact me

Subj:	Notes Re TC 127
Date:	97-06-05 11:00:14 EDT
From: (Nettie S. Clifton)
To: (Dandridge, Bob)
CC: (Creed, Nyla)


I have a Palie Turner, dau of John Wesley Turner.  She married John Wm. 
Turner b c1844 FranklinCoVA d c1928 buried DanvilleVA, Civil War Vet, 
son of Meshack Turner & Sally Ann DeShazo.  I have no documentation on 
Palie's parentage and could be wrong.

I have Wm. H. Turner who m Margaret Jane McGhee with ancestors back to 
Shadrack Turner.  I did not have any descendants for Wm. H. & Margaret 
until TC 127.

Thanks for your input.

Nettie S. Clifton
Catonsville MD
The end of this compilation.